Christian married family man who likes gardening, guns, raising our own food (including meat), living in the suburbs, and I have no idea what else to put in here.
I am a Christian, Conservative who was banned on facebook and Twitter as well as Pintrest. My account was restored on X recently. I post news related to Prophecy and the coming New World Order, which is rapidly being foisted upon the world population by corrupt bought and paid for politicians. America is on borrowed time, with an installed un-elected regime destroying her from within. I also love and support Israel without apology, explanation or argument.
Paleontologist turned author, transmedia artist and host-producer of Future Fossils Podcast – an auditory psychedelic to prepare you for a wilder future than we can imagine:
American / Journalist / Republican / Free Thinker / Trump Aligned / Agnostic / Capitalist / Observer / Individualist / Shit Talker ✌️🐸
Modern Republican:
Used to play with words, write deranged stories; nowadays I commentate on politics.
✈️Motivational fuel for your journey.
🌹Resources to improve your life.
👒🎓 Enthusiasts. VERY VERY FRIENDLY
👑Lover Of Quality Content
📚👔 In Love With Poetry As Well.
News, analysis and opinions from the perspective of Classical Liberals, Libertarians, small c Conservatives and big C Conservatives.
Conservative is the new punk. Welcome to the counterculture.
Online from 5:30 AM to 4:30 PM (PST) Monday to Friday
I post satire between 4:00 PM and 4:30 PM (PST)
The opinions expressed in the videos, news articles and commentary do not necessarily reflect those of K23 NEWS[email protected]