
Independent journalist
Business Analyst
I am very interested this project it is a great opportunity for future
Admirer of arts. Planning to use this account as a blog for art history (coming soon xD )
ATMODEPTH is an indie game developer, photographer, artist and blogger. Main creations are Indie games, photography, videos, music, art, tutorials and blogs. #keywords , #Independentgamedevelopment, #photography, #art, #blogging, #videos, #music, #sounds
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The truth as I see it... Mid 40s everyday guy who's been awake for about 5 years or so....Born and raised in the Mountains of North Carolina. I ended up here (Minds) because I got tired of wasting all the stuff I find intriguing on facebook. The sheep there are asleep. Formost Im a born again believer in Jesus Christ...who fails daily. I'm also my biggest critic. I started off prepping for EMP and I continue to be ready at all times. When I first "woke up", it felt like the world was gonna end's a process of things being revealed. Search it out to the conclusion. That's what I do...then share it here. I have 2 young children I fear the future's what drives me. I would just like to share with like minded people. I feel I have a unique perspective that I bring to the table. Things just make sense to me...and I need to share that! If your like me subscribe to my channel @outlawpatriot1974
The Best Playlist In Town
Dec 2021
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