Jack Gunter is an Investor, Inventor, and an Author. He also writes poetry, songs, and composes music.
He has been an international broker, private investigator, a teacher, a delivery driver, a security guard, a psychologist, and has been and done many other things over the course of his life. He has started three businesses and plans to start many more.
He is married to a wife whom he loves dearly and has fathered two children and sponsored or been the foster father of others. He homeschooled his children and both are on their way to doctorates in their various fields.
Jack’s interests are many and varied. They include but are not limited to: Chivalry, Classical Romance, coding and crypts, God, history,
languages, literature, masculinity,
mathematics, medicine, music, natural science, philanthropy, philosophy, poetry, psychology, religion, high technology, and the Virtues.
Jack is also an amateur scientist with primary interests in epigenetics, longevity and senescence, physics, and Space Exploration.
His avocations and hobbies are; writing, hiking, the Roman Way (which he invented), physical training, reading, drawing, mapping, exploration, travel, role play gaming, and wargaming.
Economically he is an unapologetic Free Market Capitalist.
Politically he is a staunch and unafraid Conservative and freedom loving Classical Liberal (therefore certainly not a modern liberal in any sense at all) yet he in no way thinks politics will be the salvation of his nation or his world.
Philosophically he is Enoikeon and Teleothallic (a personal philosophy he devised for himself that is a mix of Classical Stoicism, Logic, and a positivistic American Frontierism and masculinity), and a Stheneticist.
Religiously he is a devout and pious Christian and ProkoTheurgos, so he is far more an Ancient and Medieval Christian, and thus definitely not a modern Christian.
Socially Jack is very friendly and outgoing, prone to making friends easily, and enjoys interesting conversation with others about their mutual ideas and enterprises.
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Jack is a very Happy and appreciative man, yet he is also very restless, ambitious, and driven. He hopes to explore Mars one day.
Finally Jack has three Viking cats (that he loves) but dreams of the day he can have a bear, a wolf, a mountain lion, and a falcon to take the place of the loss of his much beloved Great Dane Sam. Sam was a helluvah beast and the best Animal Companion I ever had.
Godspeed to your soul Sam. Whenever I go hiking I miss you.
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"I might disagree with your opinion, but I'm willing to give my life for your right to express it."
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I will try to share with you the latest on news, beautiful art, and information that will make you think, and occasionally some music.
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Min- - - - - - - - - - - -●Max
Professional comedian over 20+ years. Opened shows for Bill Burr, Tracy Morgan, Jim Norton, Greg Giraldo. Featured on best of 'Bob & Tom' syndicated radio show, now doing political commentary vids.
Dr. Rich is a “conservative with a conscience.” He believes that “extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice and moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.”
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