I'm that person that you read about on drug forums
Follow me at #WhitePrideWorldWide Im A Ethno Nationalist here to discuss the state of my kindred & hook up with your mom
Revolutionary Patriot, anti-Zionist, Jew Exposer & Namer. If you look through my posts, youā€™ll see what I mean. Iā€™m a US Army retiree with several deployments under my belt including Iraq. Iā€™m also a USPS Retiree. Iā€™ve earned two Bachelor Degrees in Business and History-History is my passion, but more precisely, REVISIONIST history. This school takes another, more TRUTHFUL look at WWII, Hitler, and the holo-hoax. Iā€™m a 9/11 & Covid Truth activist, free-breather and anti-vaxer, Iā€™m also anti-New/Jew World Order....Pro Liberty and PRO FREEDOMā€¦Iā€™m also a published-author...we need another 1776 REVOLUTION! NOW! I also HIGHLY recommend these VERY IMPORTANT FILMS: 1) Anatomy of a Great Deception: https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/anatomy-great-deception/ 2) 2) Adolph Hitler The Greatest Story NEVER Told! A life-changing experience! https://archive.org/details/TheGreatestStoryNeverToldAdolfHitlerTheFullDocumentary 3) Europa The Last Battle! https://archive.org/details/documentary-europa-the-last-battle/Part+1.mp4 4) The Holocaust is a HollowHoax! Orchestras and plays at Auschwitz? See for yourself: https://truthpodium.org/v/tsfn4s. 5) The Secret Masonic Victory of WWII: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4OVRiyJqFrpn/ 6)ā€œCommunism By The Back Door:ā€ https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHVljnZ61Vtc/ 7)ā€œ9/11/01, The Day Patriotism Was HiJackedā€ can be found here: http://fultonbooks.com/books/?book=9_11_2001-the-day-patriotism-was-hijacked 8) Also see this site for little-known Covid information: https://www.plandemicseries.com and here: 9) www.stopworldcontrol.com for timely, IMPORTANT info! Thanks! REVOLUTION! NOW! 10) https://youtu.be/tYb7byozCeg 11) "Hellstorm." Allied atrocities against innocent Germans, post WWII...https://www.bitchute.com/video/7dwUz6GgnMCL/ 12) ā€œCaesars Messiahā€ https://youtu.be/zmEScIUcvz0?si=M_xEf8maiA5kGmRl 13)Religion Can You Handle The Truth? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4VRnXPDuXs&t=294s&pp=ygUhcmVsaWdpb24gY2FuIHlvdSBoYW5kbGUgdGhlIHRydXRo. 14) My Website: www.defendtheconstitution.org
I downloaded this app by mistake I was trying to get on Gab
III% National, ID, MT, ND Lightfoot Brigade
Just a guy bitching about his dog, the NCAA & events. "Dogs and beer are proof God loves us and wants us to be happy."
Stand for the Flag kneel for the Cross Maranatha Jesus is the knocking at the Door Answer!
Chicken salad everyday keeps the doctor away Sovereignty Free Speech Advocate Outdoors Lover Nature heals... you don't need pharmaceuticals Firm believer that common sense is lacking in today's world Wannabe physicist Backyard Cosmologist Still searching for the wormhole
Revolutionary, ex public defender, and current leader of the free world (the position was abandoned and left vacant. I assumed it.) Any true blue red blooded Americans left in this country? We've come full circle in America, It's time for revolution. FYI: I don't support Trump/republicans/fascists or Biden/democrats/communists. I only support America, that is: the country, the constitution, my fellow citizens, and Liberty itself. When you get to the bottom of the rabbit hole, I'll be there waiting to guide you down the yellow brick road to freedom. šŸ˜ŽšŸ‘šŸ½
Computer Enthusiast Really Amateur Photographer Wannabe Maker
News and memes to fight the Technocratic Satanic state Faith - Culture - Freedom
Conservative New Yorker.
Jul 2021
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