Think you're an accomplished shaman? Check out the source code on reality, and see if you can handle it.
Inin nemilizpohualiztli ca yancuic pohualiztli in huelquizaliztli in achtotlaca ihuan achtocihuatl intlacatiliz
ipan Inic Macuilli Tonatiuh, Nahui Ollin, tocahui. Inin nemiliz pohua in totatah, tonanah inpehualiz,
nican, Anahuac.
I tired more than once to tell you, to communicate what I know. You did not or could not listen. You can not show to anyone what she has not seen.
It's time to pull the cosmic trigger...
ETH: 0xeE9f5aB4faeCBe30012f675Bb938031BC51bB49B
I am an older gentleman now in retirement. I have paid my dues to the thieves in suits and hope that I can survive my remaining years while retaining whatever human(e)ity I have left. I don't take vaccines or meds and have not seen a Doctor in over 20 years and surprise, surprise, I am still very much alive and kicking.
I talk to angels and animals: facts! I have lucid dreams of the 144,000 celestial forces that align with the 144,000 genomes in the blood. The tarot is used in secret to build the ladder to the Tree of Life, leading to the Holy Guardian Angel. My goal is to have twelve decks for each gate which deepens the level of opening up these forces. Then I just got into building everything with music and animation, which is more germane to the dreams. We shall see, the city of heaven will be revealed with my every waking, when not farming, breath.
Sic semper tyrannis, the winners of wars write history like the MSM tells the truth
A fraud president has no nation
the fraudemic is evident
the sky is falling again
How is your fraudemic today? always have to play the players before they play you "life is a journey travel"
fraudemics suck
the looneys are running the asylum
government has proven to be non essential during this false flag event they should prorate property tax ......they did nothing for months and months and months
the treason is real
government has proven to be non - essential
government is non-essential, obviously
the beginning is near
common sense is not very common anymore
fuk government it violates human rights
the beginning is near
water takes up 10% more volume when it freezes
google stop being evil
those who control the memes control the world
avoid the democrat(pedocrat) for happy life
One Race, Human Race
Human Race, One Race
everybody has to get microwaved 5G
Ameriphoebes suck
socialism is communism for dummies
mandatory daily drug testing for all public servants except, garbage men and dog catchers
scandal = felony ....lets be politically correct
politics.... poly = many..... tics = parasites
There is nothing politically correct and there will never will be!
politically correct is an oxymoron
I made memes, videos, gifs, music, voice overs, song parodies, podcasts. I guess I've come a long way from my original parody account. Former Technology Evangelist and Game Industry Veteran
[Legal Statement]
The views and opinions expressed by Mind's David Hogg are that of a fictional entity created for entertainment purposes only and should not be interpreted as anything other than entertainment. If you take offense to anything I post, you probably didn't get the joke.
I am not a doctor, lawyer or financial adviser. Don't take anything I say as medical, legal or financial advice.
[Notice to people who spam my comments] I charge $100 USD per spam post. I will find you and collect one way or another. I will take 100 minds tokens if you send them to me immediately after you spam post and will wave the $100