
Just an American woman (mostly European with some Indofijian/Hindustani Fijian/Fiji Indian and mild amount of indigenous American). A girly tomboy. True Neutral/Chaotic Good and 21+ years old. I'm a ex-AntiTrump. I'm neutral about Trump (not a fan of him BTW). Also an IRL aunt. I also like memes. Memes are both a blessing and a curse. Watch out for anything NSFW (especially NSFL/Not Safe For Life) along the way! My Carrd is
Experienced Cozy Hornt Star ☥ Mythical Meme Goddess ☥ Also Known As Honkette ☥ 💀 🃏 🐸 Subscriptions, Reminds & Likes =/= Endorsement 🔞🐇🐍 #Propaganda #Psychology #Philosophy #Economics #Symbolism #Kekistan #Music #4chan #Hornt
Basil Alexei 𝔓𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔭𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔦𝔞𝔪 Discord: cruxsign_endofes “Vanitas vanitatum, dixit Ecclesiastes, vanitas vanitatum et omnia vanitas”
Hey! I joined Minds because I felt hypocritical saying I “hated censorship” while continuing to use Twitter. I love talking about anything and everything gaming related. Most of all I’m here to have a good time and hopefully brighten the days of others along the way.
Bob Saget RAPED and KILLED a girl in 1990!
Be curious & seek adventure. Find the truth & Speak the truth. Free your mind and the rest will follow. <3 Gamer, Internet Pirate, Geek, Mother of Dragons, Web & Graphic Designer, Book Worm/Poet, Dreamer, Patriot, Freethinker, Science & Tech Fan, Night Owl/Coffee Addict.
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Jan 2021
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