Tai Gará

I'm professor, researcher, poet and sing-songwriter. I'm green from Partido Verde (Brazil). I'm nature lover.
the poetry core of minds.com. Lightly moderated. Post your poems, others', flash fictions, resources and essays about poetry. Keep it to one post a day. #themindspoetrygroup the minds dream group: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/910756817751642112/feed the minds Formula 1 group: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1344392284367491074/feed
A place where aspiring writers' can share ideas, blogs' and advice. We work toward encouraging writers' with feedback and positive criticism, not negative input.
This Group Is For Poetry, Original Articles, Minds Blogs And Writing Activities. Do Not Post Sales Links Unless You Have A Membership With Us https://www.minds.com/MindsGaming/shop -- This group is moderated you can report with the community if you feel you have been banned by mistake or wish to make amends tag an admin in the community chat room https://chat.minds.com/#/room/#MindsGaming:minds.com -- This Group would like to remain independent to the “system” if you report my users in this area follow the terms of service and block and unsubscribe from my that user immediately and leave this area, this area is run by @MindsGaming https://minds.com/p/terms --- #WritingCorner #MindsGaming #Thursday #minds #writing #Poetry
Aug 2021
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