
bit wanderer
FaithUnchained is an online ministry dedicated to bringing you the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Clink the link below to subscribe to our channel. Subscribe to our YouTube: youtube.com/@FaithUnchained
Marine(InActive) Christian Married Father of 3 Grandfather of 2 Philosopher, A Seeker Of Truth, Justice and Wisdom Lifetime Patriot Lost Family and Friends to become a MAGA CONVERT in 2020 and I’d do it all over again. I’m also dedicated to EXPOSING The SATANIC GLOBALIST WORLDWIDE AGENDA! [ I DO NOT ARGUE ONLINE 👇❌ ]
People's NDE Testimonies To Hell & Back
Photographer World of mushrooms group: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/1068205258541731840/feed All my content marked with #myphoto is original. Thank you for tips and everything !!!
Recreational Bitterness Of Course I Follow Back
A little bit of this and a little bit of that.
Exposing The Truth About The Music Industry
I think, therefore I am!
do (eat work sleep) until (dead) I'm just some guy in the neighborhood. You remember that guy? Used to live over there? He was always polite and never bothered anyone, was nice to kids and animals. He moved away a few years back and we never thought about him again. Until last week, when we saw him on the news. Holy shit. He was just some guy in the neighborhood.
I'm here to remind, post and talk about anything that interest me, I love music and nature you're free to remind my activities welcome to my channel
Jun 2015
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