Tango Oneniner

Honestly just here for a good time. “You should enjoy the little detours to the fullest. Because that's where you'll find the things more important than what you want.” 6'5" btw
I am a dude from iraq who likes video games and makes videos for no one to watch. also an MGR nut, misspelling champ for 4 years and hella thirsty for judy.. also fubuki...
Politically blackpilled 🇮🇳 immigrant to 🇨🇦 Alt: @cathgirlrach temporary deactivated on twitter
Chonky snek,nero and shuten lover Make sure to have a great time!~
"If a man does not have the sauce, then he is lost. But the same man can be lost in the sauce.." College student. gAmer (hard A). Memes. Independent news over MSM. Pronouns go brrrr.
News Director/Voiceover Artist • I am not a femboy • Suprem-A$$-Ist• Please stop calling me “Postal Femboy” • @TMannu6
19 • nig/nog • eternally horny & rotting in hell, by popular demand
Comedian / Kick Boxing Champion / Sounding Enthusiast / Meth Addict/GG Allin Cosplayer
Narcissistic Skeleton, Edgy, shitposter. Super Villain to the universe.
Jan 2021
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