
Dutch freethinker, against every form of "authority": the Divine is the only true authority. Fighting for freedom through information: "Non est ad astra mollis e terris via" "A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit." Recommended reading: Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu The Art of War - Sun Tzu The Book of Five Rings - Miyamoto Musashi War is a Racket - General Smedley D. Butler Communists, Nazis, Covidians, Climate Cultists, Zionists and other totalitarian clowns can fuck right off: not interested in buying what you're selling. Statism is slavery, "government" is tyranny.
🇨🇦 Reasons I use social media To share things about myself. To reveal thoughts without words by sharing links. To create a virtual tapestry of documents, ideas and experiences. To keep a record of information for reference. To learn from others...and passively spectate.
Musician, Producer, Production Sound Engineer.
Ciao, I'm Elaine and welcome to @lacasadielaine.... my virtual home on Minds..... Decorated in a theme of 'eclectic-chic', you will find favorite images my camera lens has seen throughout the years, I hope you enjoy them too..... And, I LOVE to craft..........tra la tra la........so I'll be sharing the wreaths and items I design and decorate........... Expressions of my love of life are displayed here... As I dance through life, dance with me........... Ciao................. ( ❤️ ❤️ )
I oppose the 5G Transhumanism Singularity Agenda. #Agenda21
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Truth and liberty by day, beer by night!
Aug 2020
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