
It has got to be football and more
I've concluded that I am a MAGA Libertarian (did I coin a phrase?). I will never be a Republican or Democrat. The Libertarian Party is psycho-bitch. Do with that what you will. I will probably offend you at some point, no matter how hard I try not to. I'll not lie and do my best to combat ignorance with humor. I am one of the grandfathers of the BBS age. i was a hobbyist ISP running 72 TCP/IP channels and 8 dialup lines on Worldgroup in the 90s. My handle was Surfman on Inner Circle 0 to 3 day warez. PiL My wife and I love our children and animals. We are active guardians trying to save as many critters as possible. That's me in a nutshell.
Awakened Conservative Patriot Open PGP Fingerprint: 2C22 DADD F73F 9861 A809 10CB 87E5 07F2 3A9B 6FB9
MontiMaro77 Awake Truth Channel Australia
I identify as a Reality-Theorist, my pronouns are... 'Told/You/So' 😛 Thank you for subscribing...I post to share knowledge&truth... subscribe to my subscriptions too, remind the shit out of it...as many as possible have to know what the fuck is going on... GodlessHeathenArtistEmpathLightwarriorLoverIntrovertSapiosexualAtheistTrutherExvaxxerbyresearchAnarchistSpiritualgangsterCoffeeaddictFoodloverEnvironmentalistNoclimatetardFreethinkerNocoronatardAntigreatresetINFP-A Next Wave Plandemic is coming aka * 🐦Flu *CovReTardia 4.0 Jabbed spreaders of spike-protein are the biggest threat to Pure-Bloods now Thank you for subscribing, Subscribe to channels I remind too, vote, remind, comment good or bad... IDGAF if you downvote, downvoters that do so without having some balls to say why are kinda pathetic imo and will probably get blocked asap...don't waste my time... Don't like what I say? Pro-Tip: Unsubscribe...block...ignore like you ignore truth and facts...when that doesn't work remove yourself from the gene-pool? I will subscribe to channels that bring stuff I like...We don't have to agree... IDGAF bout what you believe&shit... or if we differ on 9/10...IDC... I'll cherish the one post that suits me... but if you try to preach... You Gone... No hard feelings tho...namaste... Like I care about the numbers...Maybe I'm just not your style/frequency/whatever...maybe you think I'm crazy...can't actually blame you for that LMAO Have a nice life anyway I Bless you . I despise hate from&towards any belief, ideology or race... Hate will consume you, be wiser... Subbed doesn't mean I share your view, but I do want to read&see where you're at... And to finish, refrain from analyzing me...Wannabe psychologists are dead-wrong & it'll only expose your lack of intelligence...Not even experienced REAL shrinks can start to scratch the surface of my mind, don't make a fool out of yourself!
One man, alone, betrayed not only by the country he loved but by those he loved as well. At least he loved. I would have rather been slapped in the face, than to have been passionately kissed by a lie. I got both. Yes, I REALLY know you and what you are. You may be who you are but that sure isn't anything to do with good. That's right. It's me.
* Meme Connoisseur & Bitcoin Cyber Hornet * Facetiously woke and sincerely ironic * Tend towards irreverent satire, parody and the appreciation of underappreciated puns * Focus on general politics, current affairs and commentary * Monetary Justice Warrior * Mainly, Newshound timeously delivers the dankest of dank memes 🥃 ------------------------------ WALL OF FAME: * @KenClark * @suicidal_thinker * @martin_maniac * @Inquisitor_Firebrand * @ultraface_part_deux * @SkylerBearGunn * @heavymetalsettles * @terrygrieve * @Free_Range_Human * @mrniceguy89 * @spaceman23 * @professedknight * @CKurti * @bodinii * @deckenkatze * @nerddestroyer * @sustainablefashion * @journeyman23 Get on the WALL OF FAME by joining the SILVER (Spicy Memes Tier) membership here: https://www.minds.com/newshoundza/shop Subscribe today to get the free weekly Bitcoin Breakdown newsletter here: https://www.btcbreakdown/subscribe
In Pursuit of Meaning. There’s much darkness in the world. My purpose in life is to be a small light that shines for others.
Revolutionary Patriot, anti-Zionist, Jew Exposer & Namer. If you look through my posts, you’ll see what I mean. I’m a US Army retiree with several deployments under my belt including Iraq. I’m also a USPS Retiree. I’ve earned two Bachelor Degrees in Business and History-History is my passion, but more precisely, REVISIONIST history. This school takes another, more TRUTHFUL look at WWII, Hitler, and the holo-hoax. I’m a 9/11 & Covid Truth activist, free-breather and anti-vaxer, I’m also anti-New/Jew World Order....Pro Liberty and PRO FREEDOM…I’m also a published-author...we need another 1776 REVOLUTION! NOW! I also HIGHLY recommend these VERY IMPORTANT FILMS: 1) Anatomy of a Great Deception: https://topdocumentaryfilms.com/anatomy-great-deception/ 2) 2) Adolph Hitler The Greatest Story NEVER Told! A life-changing experience! https://archive.org/details/TheGreatestStoryNeverToldAdolfHitlerTheFullDocumentary 3) Europa The Last Battle! https://archive.org/details/documentary-europa-the-last-battle/Part+1.mp4 4) The Holocaust is a HollowHoax! Orchestras and plays at Auschwitz? See for yourself: https://truthpodium.org/v/tsfn4s. 5) The Secret Masonic Victory of WWII: https://www.bitchute.com/video/4OVRiyJqFrpn/ 6)“Communism By The Back Door:” https://www.bitchute.com/video/rHVljnZ61Vtc/ 7)“9/11/01, The Day Patriotism Was HiJacked” can be found here: http://fultonbooks.com/books/?book=9_11_2001-the-day-patriotism-was-hijacked 8) Also see this site for little-known Covid information: https://www.plandemicseries.com and here: 9) www.stopworldcontrol.com for timely, IMPORTANT info! Thanks! REVOLUTION! NOW! 10) https://youtu.be/tYb7byozCeg 11) "Hellstorm." Allied atrocities against innocent Germans, post WWII...https://www.bitchute.com/video/7dwUz6GgnMCL/ 12) “Caesars Messiah” https://youtu.be/zmEScIUcvz0?si=M_xEf8maiA5kGmRl 13)Religion Can You Handle The Truth? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G4VRnXPDuXs&t=294s&pp=ygUhcmVsaWdpb24gY2FuIHlvdSBoYW5kbGUgdGhlIHRydXRo. 14) My Website: www.defendtheconstitution.org
Oct 2021
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