
idk dumb stuff tryin this place out a lil bit. just kinda hangin. nothin special. dunno what ill post, if i post anything. maybe ill post maps i draw or somethin?
Just a page of memeingless post. Send me memes. If they make me laugh I will repost and tag you.
Writer/designer I'm the creator of the ongoing web-series The Hand Unseen. It's a prequel to a technocratic corporatocracy explored through journalism and design — in a timeline of the next 100 years. I wanted to create a reading experience the way I feel I'm reading history now. Through journalism, timelines, infographics, and social media. If you're interested in technocratic fictional futures, corporate overlords, political machinations, social engineering, and secret societies, you might dig it. The site can be dense and intimidating, but I always encourage people to read it the way you would read a news feed. Read the first paragraph of a story that interests you, jump around, or check out the awesome art. You'll get out what you put in. http://www.thehandunseen.com
A channel designed to post the process of Flowers from the Deep, an Indie Webcomic written by S. Milan, Drawn and illustrated by David T. Cabrera and lettered/edited by HdE. Updates every Friday. . http://deepflowers.webcomic.ws/comics/first
Feb 2019
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