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Musician, professional bullshit detector. I believe we need more transparency in government. I know we are lied to on a daily basis by the mainstream media and the history being taught in schools today is not only untrue, but harmful to any independent free thinking individual. I believe freedom of speech is one of the most sacred rights we have as individuals. I welcome dissenting opinions as long as they are presented in a decent, coherent manner. I enjoy truth, beauty and unusual stories. I follow lots of different people and post lots of things I find interesting. If I post something it's because I find it interesting, thought provoking or beautiful. I don't always agree wholeheartedly with everything I post but I do truly enjoy hearing what others have to say. I find irreverent humor quite funny and also am known to curse. If that offends you then just move along. The images I post on my channel are all found on the internet and are not my personal work. You are always welcome to message me although I've found the Minds messaging system to be a bit wonky at the present time.
Writer for Lifewire, editor for On MSFT. I typically cover Bitcoin and other crypto, Xbox, video games, Twitch, Apps, and other tech-related topics. Also into geek culture, yoga, meditation, martial arts, comic books, anime, wine, coffee, and travel. Bit of a gaymer. People tell me I'm friendly. Born in Sydney, made in Tokyo, currently in Melbourne. Follow me on Xbox: "Brad Cafe"
Jul 2020
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