
The Deep Thinker represents the complex abyss of Jess' mind. He tackles the biggest concepts from the meaning of life, to mental illness, to shared consciousness, to ethics and existentialism, all with a careful and balanced analytic approach. You can find his blog here: Jess welcomes any comments or questions you may have. Thank you for reading my thoughts.
I love dancing... n books... n travels ..ummm.. n food :)))
I enjoy writing about all subjects, taking pictures of graffiti, dabbling in comedy when time permits, and exceeding my 3,000 calorie limit.
Helping people to live a happier healthier life with the Lifestyle Project :D
50 years as a human. 21 years hands-on humans in medicine. 11 years dreaming of new paradigms that are honest, loving, effective, compassionate and fair. 3 years dreaming of artistic ways to inspire. The only question that I ask myself every day- " How can I help and/or inspire as many people as possible?" I want to leave this life with nothing on the table left to give.
Follow back policy. 🤠 Sharing hope and positivity. NA, recovery, spirituality, personal growth, 12 steps, law of one, higher power, universe of abundance. ❤️ Membership tiers available for support. 🙏🏻 Valued supporters............................................................... ............. @vindog @chongcong54 @arey105 @uponwingsofthewind @lookowt
I don't use Minds much anymore. Where did everyone go?
A company created by Journalists Alonso García Puentes. Wellness Talk Media Broadcasting Network was born thanks to the inspiration of Alonso and the vision of his mentor, Dr. Anthony Portigliatti
I'm the owner of Singing Ice LLC - an e-book production and publication company. I am also the Editor-in-Chief of The Gonzo Press a digital magazine. Let your voice be heard at!
Mostly art and homemaking Keeping it cozy
The Deep Thinker represents the complex abyss of Jess' mind. He tackles the biggest concepts from the meaning of life, to mental illness, to shared consciousness, to ethics and existentialism, all with a careful and balanced analytic approach. You can find his blog here: Jess welcomes any comments or questions you may have. Thank you for reading my thoughts.
X-Man = ex-military, ironworker, husband, homeless, welder, addict, convict, rodbuster, traveler, programmer, college student. All materials contained herein are protected by the American Fair Use Act. My page is an "Art Imitates Life" theme. Enjoy!
Jan 2021
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