I'm Vilma the kitty and I purr in Finland. I like chimken snacks and pat pat pats. I share pretty videos and pictures of me and my daily life.
Nice to meowt you :3
Vilma recommends Monero and accepts it as a donation:
Money donations supported by:
Libertarian * pUrBlud * Patriot * Free Thinker
"I Will Not Comply"
Godsmack Lyrics
"Moon Baby"
"Moonlight is thought to transform some people into strange creatures to drive others mad."
"Hola, soy Fernando Allende."
"One small step for man...giant leap for man..."
"Does the moon actually possess such strange powers? Or is it all just lunacy?"
“Before writing off the totalitarian world as a nightmare that can’t come true, just remember that in 1925 the world of today would have seemed a nightmare that couldn’t come true.”
–George Orwell, ‘Looking Back at the Spanish Civil War’, 1942.