
The Patron Saint of the Totally Fucked
location_onLos Angeles
I am a poet, writer, activist, father, grandfather, uncle, brother, lover, best friend, student as well as a teacher. I AM...... It is the simplest answer, yet the most meaningful. I support Anonymous while still hoping for a non-violent solution to the human condition. My personal goal is to be the most perfect, fallible person that I can be, while fighting for equality and a abolition of "Defective Love"! Please subscribe! WebSite: My site has all my poetry, my wedding service and just my thoughts. Email: [email protected] FB SpatialDC: FB Poetry Site FB A Poetic Occasion: FB Wedding Service, I officiate weddings free. Only travel is charged and only outside of Enid, OK.
Conspiracies,bizarre history,cover-ups,and more.
Peaceful Parenting, Unschooling, Freethinking.
We all have something to teach each other.
Minds went full Fakebook. BEWARE! There will be consequences to giving out your or your friend's phone number (ID). Don't be fooled by fake guarantees of 'nobody's collecting anything', someone is. That's what all the corporate social media sites said as well at the beginning. You are signing your own warrant. F.CK FANTASY PEANUT TOKENS Wake up, you are never going to make any meaningful income posting on social media unless you become just another spammer. It's just to keep you busy and all of your most successful efforts will be stolen and reposted using bots. There are other ways to have 2FA than simply to give away your ID. If Minds supports free speech then why am i shadow banned? Member since 2015, contributed many things, trust me i know what they're doing. The Tribe of Awakening Sovereignty is a Global Community of Solutionaries and Change-makers who are co-creating social, legal, physical, economic and digital system structures that empower all those who choose to embody this unified way of being. Our structure allows for any number of organizations and individuals to come together as SOVEREIGN entities and share resources, tools and knowledge in a way that synergistically uplifts every member of the collaboration. We build communities, facilitate cooperative businesses, fund humanitarian causes, grow gardens and food forests, engineer advanced political and environmental solutions, create then distribute high-quality media experiences, and connect people to knowledge, products and services that empower complete freedom and enlightened states of being. Our mission is to awaken the Sovereignty within the human race by providing housing, education, living wages, food forests, sustainable energy systems, and techniques for conscious expansion to everyone. We move toward this ideal by creating and promoting a variety of products and services that support and enable evermore beings to step into their joy and abundance while serving the whole of humankind. Some of our offerings include: Social media services that spread inspiration and empowerment while paying the messengers; Healing services such as massage, sound alchemy, neurolingustic therapy, breathwork, flow-forms, and Tantra. New age Media and News distribution; A complete spectrum of affordable super-foods that uplift and enhance body and mind; Food forests that self sustain and expand upon themselves, Automated food production technologies; Advanced robotics; Handmade goods; and Autonomous Decentralized tools for new paradigm governance and value distribution. Together we have created the Abundance Network. An ever expanding collective that collaboratively earns and shares value through creating and distributing high quality media experiences, utilizing value generating abundance software, and connecting people to products and services that empower complete independence and enlightened states of being.
Red Pill time. Most of you who take it won't be able to swallow it because you prefer being enslaved by your pride, creature comforts and lack of discernment.
Los Angeles
Jun 2016
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