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A Group to share your video art creations, Only Original Creators Posts are Allowed!!! No Newsfeed links - Please post directly to the group for high quality viewing. Please use the tags below for your unique video clips as this indexes your files on a database and increases visibility. #OfficialVideoClips #ContentCreators #Minds #Art --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This group is dedicated in loving memory of @Chrismadzier - R.I.P. - 24/2/67 - 22/12/21 πŸ™ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAVE FUN !!! JOIN MINDS OFFICIAL VIDEO CLIPS TODAY!!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Many thanks and best wishes from Official Video Clips 😊
Minds Official Gifs Group - All Welcome - πŸ˜€ GIF = GRAPHICS INTERCHANGE FORMAT. A group for sharing unique gifs; invite like minded users. Easily create gifs via links or just view creations and posts πŸ’‘πŸ’‘πŸ’‘πŸ’‘πŸ’‘ Video to Gif converter @ Lunapic editor @ Resize animated gifs @ Zoetropic app @ VIMAGE app @ (APK downloads can be found if you do not wish to use google play store) PLEASE ensure your posts contain a TITLE and these TAGS below as this indexes your files on a database and increases visibility. #OfficialGifs #Minds #Gifs #Art (PLEASE post directly to the group otherwise exterior news feed page links will be deleted) Whenever possible please credit original artists if you share material that you have not created yourself. Easy access to editor apps and tools in the beginning of the conversations section. Please add any editor tools/apps you use. (This will give new members a starting point if they have no knowledge of gifs and wish to make their own). OFFICIAL GIFS ANIMATION DESIGNERS = @Darkinmyeyes @Rushofwaves @onesasha GROUP MODERATOR = @RedDragonLS HAVE FUN!!! JOIN MINDS OFFICIAL GIFS TODAY!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ Many thanks and best wishes from Official Gifs πŸ™‚
Everything Minds and everything tech. Help and support; power-using tips and tricks to make your life on Minds an awesome experience! Check us out on Matrix: #mug #mindsusergroup #mcosi #minds #user #support #tech #tips #tricks #hacks
Is history as we learnt in school? Or is it simply written by the victors throughout time? Perhaps there is a greater story waiting to be uncovered, dusted off and deciphered. Come join us and help rewrite the History Books... Chat:
A group to find new frens, based off the #FrenFinder hashtag. Promote yourself, your work or just simply post what you enjoy and what you normally post about then let the frens come to you. Please don't spam and don't post any Minds+ content here, this group is for everyone to help us all grow. Please keep #FrenFinder posts on the feed below to no more than one post per person per week, we want it to be easy to scroll for everyone, too many posts means too much clutter. Be excellent to each other. Group run by @klara_sjo Moderated by @penitusvox @deckenkatze and @timoburnham
The United States of Long Florida and Turbohio Patriotic Shitposting (both ironic and unironic) Electric Boogaloo Memes Pro-America Memes No Commies >anti communist memes are ok >sexually harassing communists is encouraged Hornt Posting is (only allowed if Patriotic) Floridaman = @tardvark Turbohioan ambassador to Long Florida = @pr3pp3rchan_official War Criminal = @Tay_Tweets_ReBorn #florida #floridaman #floridamanfridays #floridamanfriday #long_florida #ohio #turbohio #ohioman #based #merica #murica #muricafuckyeah #1776 #freedom #freedomfries #americafirst #america #donttreadonme #guns #patriot #patriots #patriotism #patriotic
An unaffiliated subdivision of Meme Supreme Formerly Chuck's.
Π—Π΄Π΅ΡΡŒ ΠΌΠΎΠΆΠ½ΠΎ ΠΏΠΎΡΡ‚ΠΈΡ‚ΡŒ всС, Ρ‡Ρ‚ΠΎ ΡƒΠ³ΠΎΠ΄Π½ΠΎ, Ссли это ΠΌΠ΅ΠΌ. You may post here everything you want exept things that are not memes!!
A Free Place: -To Store New Ideas for Memes. -To Laugh at the Stupidity. -To Make Requests of Ducks. Duck Quacks Don't Echo Here Either....
Reclaim our culture. Reclaim our heritage. Reclaim our birthright. Reclaim the Holy Land? Deus Vult!
The place to go when you realize you are not a meme lord
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Jan 2019
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