
am bear ๐Ÿป good frens tag bear fren in bear posts banner by fren @coel and pfp by fren @jordonus
Rated too extreme for Twitter. Anime normie. Occasional writer, ask me about my worldbuilding! I'm an honorary citizen of the US because of how many people mistake me for one. Actually a fucking leaf though. MINORS GET THE BLOCK. DO NOT INTERACT. "We didn't know we were making memories at the time. We only knew that we were having fun."
Chad alpha-male wojack sigma chungus. Level 14 Necrohampster. #comedy mostly. Usually not safe for woke because comedy goes there. communists will be mocked mercilessly.
โœจHello! Thanks for checking in on my page. I mostly post cats and memes. Letโ€™s be frens!
I talk about games, sports, tech, memes, and occasionally Human Rights. Pls no bully
Better Safe Than Silenced.
Asturian Drow ranting/RMing about current issues, entertainment, (I like #ttrpg #vidya #anime...), I'm also a slacker filmmaker and photographer so I'll post my #photography from time to time. I'm here mainly for the shitposting and that's what I'll probably do the most. Might post in Spanish from time to time, you're warned! Some days I feel Lolbertarian, others I feel more like a milquetoast centrist.
I'm a frontend web developer specialising in React in combination with Typescript. Currently studying multimedia design in Copenhagen and at the moment I'm doing an exchange in Canada doing a game dev program. I share whatever is the top of my mind, usually tech, gaming, books I'm reading and sometimes I have tips for others on Minds, sometimes I'm political and sometimes I'm just trying to be funny. I'm #Mewing and you should too. I listen to what people may call Emo, I call it pop punk. But I have a very broad taste, so I listen to plenty of other genres as well when I feel like it. One I listen to often that people don't usually listen to is Norwegian "Russe" Music.
Jan 2021
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