
Discover Some Cool and Unusual Art DeepDream is a product of the Evil Goog! Yet the code was made Open Source Software for anyone to implement how they want. There's several websites online for making DeepDream Art and also apps for both Android and iOS. This Art is a digital enhancement of one image by another image i.e. photo or art print, to create a new, enhanced image. DeepDream Art is made by using the Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) to make decisions based on your Parameters which the A.I. then 'Dreams'' and runs the code to perform the placement of various parameters throughout the image. Please use Tags for your posts here. ==============///////============= #DeepDreamArt #DeepDream #Original ==============///////============== Moderators: @Fractalizer & @BrandyD 🚫 No spam 🚫 Decorate Your Channel with our art!
Photography, art and everything related to wildlife. #wildlife #nature #animals #news #photography #art #myphoto
Suggest that when you place images on 18+ there should be E, not sex, to avoid breaking the Minds community and be reported as Spam. Thank you for participating. If anyone does not comply with 18+ and sex, I will delete without notice. Have fun in your life. PLEASE: 1. No inappropriate content. 2. No SPAM 3. 2 uploads per hour 4. No monetised/token posts 5. No advertising
A group dedicated to Fascist, #National #Socialist, and #Axis related #art. We publish 1 featured artist journal per month, don't hesitate to like, remind, share, and post! Thank you. ! Rules and Regulations ! : - Post any non-exclusively photographic, non-pornographic Axis art - #Fascist #Anime does not endorse views of individual members. This month's Featured Artist ; https://www.minds.com/DerHimmelstern/blog/the-art-of-samazuka-ashio-1026251943054422016 Find all of our Featured Artists on this page ! ; https://www.minds.com/DerHimmelstern/blog/fascist-anime-all-featured-artist-journals-985924511690842112
Sep 2019
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