This interest Group is for posting Natural Health remedies. Information only. I am not medical in any way. This is not medical advice. Never just follow anything you see. Always seek professional advice. DO NOT LINK to SALES #NaturalHealth,#Health,#HealthyFoods,#Healing,#NaturalHealing
Edm, House, DnB, Dubstep, Bassmusic, Electro, Funk, Thrash, Soul, Classics remixed, and some smooth Tropical House. If it has a beat and you can dance to it, it belongs here.
### Single Tracks & Mini-Mix's Only -- No Playlists Please ###
PARALLEL STRUCTURE. New, Little Known and Alternative views on science, medicine, philosophy, health, economics, history, archeology, but not politics please. (this site was not intended to be a political sounding board but we have made concessions due to the blatant tyranny being imposed upon us at this time. Please understand that not all political posts will be approved)