
Award Winning Journalist and Technologist Making Documentaries, VR, Drones, Immersion Storytelling, and Live Video | [email protected]
Only the truth is valuable Tylko prawda ma wartosc Solo la verdad importa Seulement la veritée est importante Tolka pravda...;-)
Roman Catholic. Freedom. Owner of website - independent news from Poland
Prager University is an online video resource promoting knowledge and clarity on life's biggest and most interesting topics. We gather some of the world's best thinkers and distill their best ideas into free, 5-minute videos on things ranging from history and economics to science and happiness. Enjoy. NOTE: I have no association with Prager University.
Life expert First of all - I am not speaking to make you feel good! I am speaking to wake you up! I am a very active member of minds community - if I decide to follow you and you post wise stuff - I will upvote, comment and remind your content day by day. I expect the same from you! if you don’t upvote my content - when I notice you’re leeching my likes and upvotes I stop upvoting your content and start using your content as a source only. you need to reciprocate in order to get tokens for my interaction. I mostly post in English and am interested in both American as well as British matters - thanks to the fact that I’ve been learning English for over two decades - cultural context of English speaking world is not entirely alien to me. As due to contemporary changes Poland (my patria) is a very interesting and culturally unique country I keep reporting on it and sometimes present, translate and explain Polish matters to you westerners. If I post in Polish - I try to do it in the morning hours in Europe so that at least most Americans are not affected. I never boost my content solely in Polish without translation. Thank you for your time and attention - hope we will enjoy the ride! Beware:
TRYSKAMY SOKIEM, ŚMIEJEMY SIĘ I KOMENTUJEMY TO, CO SIĘ DZIEJE WOKÓŁ NAS. A ŻE DZIEJE SIĘ DUŻO, TO SOKU NAM NIGDY NIE ZABRAKNIE :))) Wesprzyj (np. BLIK): - Porady związkowe, prawa/dyskryminacja i problemy mężczyzn, nauka o płciach, oznaczanie toksycznych osobowości, odkłamywanie feminizmu. Reakcja na brak empatii wobec mężczyzn i mizoandrię (sprzeciw ginocentryzmowi). Portal nie tylko dla mężczyzn, a także dla kobiet "innych niż wszystkie" ;) Reszta form wsparcia i informacje:
Poruszamy niewygodne i przemilczane przez mainstream tematy, demaskujemy kłamstwa systemu, bezwzględnie piętnujemy wszystkich hipokrytów, uderzamy pełną siłą i bez ostrzeżenia, nie bierzemy jeńców.
May 2019
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