We are no longer living in a time where Cryptocurrencies are viable anymore. Stock up on as many food, seeds, water filtration systems, herbs, Triad Metals (Gold, Silver, and Copper), and skills as possible, because we'll eventually have no choice but to go back to bartering. The government never cared about us, therefore it is high time to build our own societies outside of the urban cities and suburban towns. And I am not in a debating mood until the devils that run this world and their bloodlines are overthrown, so don't even try.
Presently, this is about the only way to get a message to me
I have a very difficult time trying to use messenger because of my having "Low Vision".
I did look for an option to make it "Full Page" so that I could use it on my 40 inch screen, but could not find one.
If there is anyway to do that, please put it in the Reply and or call me in the comments with @ToxicReverend
I Was Raised In The Land Of The Burning Rivers
The Toxic Water Information Group
My psychologist said that the good news is the same as the bad news.
Then he said, "You are not paranoid".
Way too many of you dumb fucks think this is an anti-Woman or MGTOW channel. It's not. You're probably just a fucking retard. The amount of completely insane dipshits that want to purchase a fake pussy engineered for medical use on MtF trannies, attach it to your Roomba, and call it your wife is disturbing. You're all dumber than niggers.
And where the fuck did all the AIDS spreading faggots come from? I'm not here to support you either. You go in the ovens too, right next to that dude and his "Johnny5 is alive" wife.
And I delete retard, faggot, and spam comments when I find them. You're not entitled to upvotes when you're comments fit any of those groups.
Author of the Phoenix Rising Online series, in which Truth is both stranger than fiction and told through fiction.
The first four books are out already, and the fifth is already in progress.