
We are Graham Taylor and Lily Ross, partners in life and in Tucandu. We are both multi-instrumentalists, composers and producers of easy listening music from a variety of genres. Special thanks to our contributors. @delastman @Jim270 @Willieleev1971 @starhammer @axl100 @mindsplus @bikos_gr @Kbug68 @_akabacon_ @WalrusMallone @cjfunship @NatureNerd @tailgunner @DirkLoots @mikehopkins
I am a music weirdo and tech enthusiast. Loves to travel and click photographs. Reading books is my hobby.
MusicDiy is an international booking agency for musical artists. Works with the distribution, promotion, launches, booking, Gigs and tours. Founder and manager of the record labels 1001 POP ALBUMS targeted to pop music, and 1001 STONED ALBUMS to rock’n roll music. If you appreciate our work be a supporter and give us some Wires to keep it rolling.
Trench_Monkey_band is comprised of 3 musicians formed in Northwestern Oklahoma to entertain their fellow human life form and have fun doing so. Please subscribe to our channel to keep up to date on our music. We would like to thank everyone for your up votes, reminds and comments. We especially like to thank all who have wired tokens. Thank you for your support. www.trenchmonkeyband.com Please subscribe to our YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvWUHAtS_PIFtfeKqw9rg8A Thank you for your wires. @Upgradde @NormBauer @ottman @RedDragonLS @delastman @DebraFoster
Thank you for your subscribe, like, comment and boost for a newbie as me.
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Oct 2018
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