UFO-Genetics is an East Coast Cannabis breeder.Specializing in breeding the highest quality strains from around the world.Come and check out
UFO-Genetics.com where you can look at our business affiliations below as well as on the site:
extractcraft.com use code “UFOG19” for 50$ off
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Affiliate Link::
Speedeetrim.com code (UFOGenetics) for 20$ off
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Affiliate Link::
E. ufogenetics@gmail.com
UFO-Genetics has been a long-awaited company
Someone very close to us had Alzheimer's and passed away from pancreatic cancer. We have dedicated ourselves to help fight these diseases teaming up with Stanford University to allow them to run tests on our computers. Project Cures is going to help aid Stanford University in finding theses cures. You can fight these diseases with us by joining our team. @
folding.stanford.edu our team
Cannabis has been proven to slow the progression of most of these diseases or help relieve symptoms of these debilitating conditions. We have created some of the most unique strains to help fight the symptoms.
UFO-Genetics wants to thank all of you for helping fight the fight. We will not stop until we find a cure.Massachusetts,U.S