Helpful Hint.
Hello, Best way to get a Subscribe back from me is to comment on one of my posts.
BTW, If you down vote ANY of my posts,
I will BLOCK you. If you're offended, better that you block me first :)
Thank you...
I know troubleshooting yourself in the foot
and acting as center of your own universe
is a tricky dichotomy to deal with
but, yes, you ARE the center of the universe.
If you weren't
you wouldn't be here.
So as the middle of space and everything floating in it
it is your job to know
that the emptiness
is just emptiness,
that the stars
are stars,
and that the flying rocks –
fuckin' hurt,
so please
stop inviting walls into wide open spaces.
"Zombienomicon", "Time Traveller" and the Mask of Time logo are each and all registered trademarks of Jonathan Nolan 2018, 2019 and following all rights reserved worldwide.
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United Nations, Human Rights Charter, Article 19 states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”
Twin brothers “Johnny DC” and “Marvelous Joe” debate in their weekly podcast between Marvel and DC Comics by comparing their characters in stat-based battle simulations.
Hello Friends! My name on here is Adrian, I am a gay guy from the North East of the United States. I have two animals who I post occasionally my dog Halo and my cat Polly. I post whatever interests me but it's usually memes, nature and politics. L(G)BT I He/Him I PFP art is not my own credit to the artist Hazel+Bell
Founded approx. 2/1/20