do (eat work sleep) until (dead)
I'm just some guy in the neighborhood.
You remember that guy?
Used to live over there?
He was always polite and never bothered anyone,
was nice to kids and animals.
He moved away a few years back
and we never thought about him again.
Until last week, when we saw him on the news.
Holy shit.
He was just some guy in the neighborhood.
Just a Scandinavian guy who likes to talk about almost everything. Loving Dad, Proud Granddad.
No bio, you got blocked
Crypto, you got blocked
Nazi, you got blocked
Illuminati, you got blocked
Fatherhood is the answer.
Keep the faith. Hold the line. Own the libs.
Individualist, semi-isolationist, conservative, capitalist, right wing, non-anarchy, non-religious, with a deep disgust for collectivism, and racial supremacy ideologies, identitarianism, presentism, subjective worldviews, and the modern left as a whole with few exceptions.
Freedom of speech should be absolute. But just because you are free to say what you want, does not mean that anyone should be forced to listen. This is why I block liberally.
I have no problems with "people of the book" regardless of which book.
Objective reality is real.
There are no "lenses" to see anything through.
"Your truth" is just a lie, that you say, you believe.
"Communism, is when ugly, deformed, freaks, make it illegal, to be normal, and then rob and/or kill, all successful people, out of petty resentment, and cruelty. The ideology, is all just, windows dressing."
-Jack Posobiac
Bring evidence or don't make a claim. I will question it..
The left is a communist cult of pederasts.
Armchair, Monday morning, politician, economist, philosopher, entrepreneur, and musician.
Ya know what... I kind of miss People. The digital space is deflating. Public spaces are empty of character... Conversations are gone aren't they... I will be back soon.
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