
Itโ€™s amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world every day always just exactly fits the newspaper๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž. Don't forget to like, remind and subscribe ๐Ÿ‘Œ
location_onTexas, United States, Texas, United States
Sharing music from around the world!
One man, alone, betrayed not only by the country he loved but by those he loved as well. At least he loved. I would have rather been slapped in the face, than to have been passionately kissed by a lie. I got both. Yes, I REALLY know you and what you are. You may be who you are but that sure isn't anything to do with good. That's right. It's me.
Trying to be philosophically consistent and self aware, liberty minded individual making snarky and/or insightful comments (hopefully). On occasion I will try to one up conspiracy theory types for shits, giggles and the unlikely chance they may gain some insight into how batshit crazy they really are. I also take photos of stuff. I intend my posts here show my evolution and improvement as a photographer and (hopefully) a trend slowly moving towards technical mastery and artistic expression. If I have one piece of advice it's "stop humoring racists/identiterians". They are objectively bad people, and you should stop assuming they're just ignorant or mistaken. They're adults, treat them like it.
A curious mind. Looking for the truth. It is no small victory to find inner peace and I truly believe this is the first battle a man must fight before going to spiritual war. End the Federal Reserve. Genocidal Globalist would love us to believe that we are all stupid and bad. It falls nicely into their eugenics program. We can see the world through their filter...or through the one we were born with. People are sentient strange beings capable of building empires, taking us to the moon and also capable of crying because a dog dies in a movie. You're beautiful. Debate is welcome, hate is not. Attack the argument, not the person. Or I will block you. Freedom of association means- I don't own you my time or access to my mind. But, I will grant it to you upon respectful request. If you like my page please send me some Minds coins ๐Ÿˆ
I love to share my captures with you. Please don't forget to like and subscribe.THX
REMINDER It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. NOTICE!!! A REMINDER Just because you see me post about something, does NOT mean i BELIEVE it, AGREE WITH IT, SUBSCRIBE TO IT, THINK IT'S A GOOD IDEA, etc... It also doesn't mean i think YOU should believe it, or agree with it, or even read/view it... It also doesn't mean i am trying to encourage myself or anyone else to believe in, or accept something... i read about HIGHLY controversial subjects OFTEN.. not because i am trying to BELIEVE or DISBELIEVE them... i am just examining the collective field of consciousness... people also sometimes are easily confused because they don't realize that my responses are sometimes intentionally constrained by a CONTEXT, or contexts, created by the subject, or the idea being presented... i.e. if you're arguing in a 2D mindset, and you don't understand 3D, i'm going to stay in 2D language, even thought i know the Nth-D solution. I examine MANY ideas and concepts, and sometimes, i might even post an article to read later, or just because i noticed ONE TINY correlation with some other obscure unrelated, or related idea/subject i'm chasing down/examining... so, take it ALL with a grain of salt... It is the mark of an EDUCATED MIND to be able to ENTERTAIN an IDEA without ACCEPTING [believing/subscribing/agreeing/endorsing/etc] it. ~ Aristotle Just because i mention a shortcoming with subject A, does NOT mean i automatically subscribe to it's polar opposite -- subject B, or vice versa... Just because i see some aspect of Capitalism that i consider a flaw, doesn't mean i endorse socialism. Just because i find some aspect of one political idea to be interesting, doesn't mean i am aligned with that platform... Forget ALL of your assumptions, and let go of ALL of your unconscious self-contradictory fundamental assumptions upon which all of you other assumptions are balancing on... Pursue The TRUTH, the WHOLE truth, and NOTHING but the TRUTH, no distortions, no DOUBLESPEAK, no clever HALF-TRUTHS... no hyperbole-presented-as-'truth', no presenting pure IMAGINATION as if it is realist in the present. (example, IMAGINING something terrible about someone, and presuming it's true just because you FEEL like it -- then assuming it's the UNQUESTIONABLE TRUTH and DEMANDING REAL WORLD bow to imagined justice)... GOLDEN RULE(S) DO/BE unto Others, that which You would NOT mind if Others DO/BE unto You. Do NOT DO/BE unto Others, that which You would NOT want Others to DO/BE unto You. All TRANSACTIONS should be MUTUALLY PROSPERING SATISFYING TO BOTH PARTIES with FULL DISCLOSURE. heart facebook. com/etyrnal [digitally assassinated after 13 years in May of 2020 by Zuckerberg's lemmings, without reason, without warning, without prior offenses, and without recourse -- 13 years of family pictures, videos, stories, several large active personal groups - severance of family communication - etc]
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I'm just a guy who likes the truth and dislikes wimps. I don't care what color you are, who you sleep with, or whether or not you believe in extraterrestrials. If you love this country, like I do, then we can be friends. I believe people can love each other, it really isn't that hard. I've been married 35yrs to an angel that gets me. I love coffee, bacon, and beer. I don't tolerate stupid, and I won't defend ignorance. 10 years served in the Army as an 88M. I'm an American through and through. I love this country and will honor my oath well after my obligation is fulfilled.
Am a friendly and outgoing being with a passion for sustainable development and management of human and human resources, subscribe, upvote, remind to stay tune for your daily nuggets
Texas, United States, Texas, United States
Dec 2021
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