Small time youtuber, Pillbox Podcast co-host, Small time shitposter, movie buff, music enthusiast, video game lover, and a horrible college student. What else do you need to know? My address? Fuck off dipshit.
I'm Khonsu the great, God of the moon and time itself. Greatest God of the great God's. On Twitter, I'm known as a asshole I guess, been suspended quite a few times. I think I'm a nice guy, I just don't like idiots and I absolutely love telling someone to go fuck themselves. I don't see anything wrong with that.
I'm just a sexy guy!
I'm going to tism in your soup oooooooo!
i'm just a sexy guy!
also co-host on the Pillbox Podcast
Impartial Arbiter of the Thundercunts Group.
Shit posting and Banter is what I do.
Hypocrisy pisses me off, especially when I'm guilty of it.
Husband, Father, Gamer, Mini-Painter.
No one expects the Sharktel Inquisition! Tall Egg pilled. Potential mistake:
Aussie Jesus.
Yes I could’ve been creative with my bio, but we all know that I’m not creative.