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A ditsy carbon based lifeform with a propensity for hardcore extreme procrastination and with the ability to drink my own body weight in cups of tea each day. My interests are interesting things, semi interesting things, slightly interesting things and silly cat videos. I was born at an early age and being male didnt quite master the art of growing up. I have a genetic mental deficiency, but as I got older my hair became less blond and more scarce so it doesnt seem so noticeable now :)
Loves music and all things funny. Hates the left/right paradigm.
Professional reseller, You can support me through buying my stuff. You can also support me by sharing my items on all media platforms. I also post stuff from tim poole and steven crowder along with import ironic memes..... follow me. You will be happy with the news and lmao lot with how important but pissing off the meme's are that I post :P :P
I am you, you are me, together we can make the world free
Hi, My name is Lance Jekel. I am a Photoshop designer and I have over 11 years of experience in photoshop. We provide professional Photoshop services
Jul 2021
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