I write the Atheist Revolution blog (https://www.atheistrev.com/). I am not interested in participating in tribalism, identity politics, and the hatred of those who seem different from me.
Ive surrendered to God
Conservative; keep your hands off my money and your nose outta my bedroom.
Socially liberal: Do as you will as long as it's legal and we don't have to pass a law to force me to accept it.
Nikola Tesla.
Free speech advocate
It's ok to be white..actually it's pretty great being white..
Artist, musician, all around good egg
B.S. in B.S.
Undefined Libertarianish, Objectivist with Classical Liberal tendencies. Anti-War, Non-Aggression Principle (NAP) devotee. I believe in common sense, the rule of law and the rights of the individual.
I block bots.
Former illegal alien in Santa Catarina Brazil. 1994-1996
I am not a content created but a content sharer.
I hate social media, but I guess I really have no choice now. We the People shall not be silenced.
I'm a constitutionalist. The power of the government is limited, and the rights of the People are many. I honestly don't care what one's sexual orientation may be, what one would identify as, how one will choose to speak, what abilities one posses, how much melanin one's body produces, or where one may fall on the political spectrum; as long as one does not conduct themselves in such a way that would impede or limit another's rights, (real, stated, or perceived) then I could give zero fucks about any individual - or their actions - unless they have earned my respect. That's right, earned. Respect is not to be demanded or given freely, contrary to the SJW 'doctrine', not everyone deserves it.
Thanks for stopping by,