Vinlandic Heretic

"The Abrahamic Are Our Misfortune" Peaceful Secessionist Lovecraft Conservative Against Time Forest Wanderer
me, myself & Irony
What can I say? I prefer the planet over people, Computers over Children, Animals over Adults. Why? Because the latter has one thing in common, they are humans and humanity has already proven itself to be a chaotic creature bordering on parasitic and yes before you say it I know I am human, I am trying to better myself, are you? Cave of Fame: @Bdubscully Banner called Epic Dragon Battle by jjpeabody
Outcasts of the Lord - ANTI-GLOBALIST NEW WORLD ORDER BAND - aka Rejects of the Lord Most of our music is On The Bitchute Platform NOW I hope I can raise awareness, even wake up ONE PERSON to stand against the new world order and live in TRUTH, but hey sheep are called sheep for a reason. Rejects of the Lord - The band is a hard rock classic rock heavy metal jam band, and DOES ORIGINAL AND PARODIES MUSIC EXPOSING AND AGAINST THE GLOBALIST NEW WORLD ORDER, we hate the C-19 depopulation control system Vaccine, we hate Pedophiles, we hate the Debt Slavery federal reserve ROTHSCHILD-ROCKEFELLER Zionist financial system, we hate NEO-FEUDALISM, we hate the transhumanist make-us-clones cyborg agenda, we hate the Climate-change carbon PROPAGANDA-LIE,hate seeing DUDES on the cover of sports illustrated swimsuit magazine being called "Female", and are here to take the illuminati DOWN. When Joe Kain or any other artists are on vocals or other instruments, I will note it in the song description. WE'RE ALSO ON THE BITCHUTE ODYSEE AND RUMBLE CHANNEL UNDER OUR BAND NAME , and even SOUNDCLOUD bandcamp (audio only) Looking to CONTACT US? leave a reply in the recent videos where i can see, OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL IS BASICALLY DEFUNCT BECAUSE THEY CENSOR OUR CONTENT
"Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us no choice but a brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have therefore to resolve to conquer or die." - George Washington
Jun 2021
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