
location_onFullerton, California, United States
Photographer World of mushrooms group: All my content marked with #myphoto is original. Thank you for tips and everything !!!
A student of life
Revolutionary, ex public defender, and current leader of the free world (the position was abandoned and left vacant. I assumed it.) Any true blue red blooded Americans left in this country? We've come full circle in America, It's time for revolution. FYI: I don't support Trump/republicans/fascists or Biden/democrats/communists. I only support America, that is: the country, the constitution, my fellow citizens, and Liberty itself. When you get to the bottom of the rabbit hole, I'll be there waiting to guide you down the yellow brick road to freedom. 😎👍🏽
Welcome to my channel, as a lover of cars, I blend it with a little motivation, I strongly believe that the things we see consistently have a way of registering in our minds, and as we keep thinking of such things, we find ourselves becoming it just as Proverbs 23:7 says... So by visiting my channel often, you're knowingly or unknowingly setting yourself up for success with tangible proofs! As you visit my channel, feel free to Subscribe, Upvote and Remind my contents, that way you'll be spreading positivity around the globe,... And trust me, I'll do same on your channel, I reciprocate every good deed done to me, at least the ones I can! Thank you so much... Let's ride on!!
Dong Tab is a professional designer
a trader, big fan of minds
personal blog Photos/videos made by me I love original unique content 56, Single, german online and offline Worker Scuba Instructor, Writer, Blogger currently Dominican Republic
Fullerton, California, United States
Oct 2021
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