Poet (n): A marionette or a clown, punked again by some proclamations of love, better off and having never learned a thing.
Some Highlights:
Quietly, nimble and soft,
Sun bright and smiling,
You roll away the weight of man's damnation.
Poof, fluff.
You are the cloud and the sky.
An expanse among the smallness, and a beacon to my torn and tattered heart.
I am but a shard.
fucka vaccine n fuck taxes
death to the cia, fbi, atf, fda, irs, doj, fcc et al....death to the military industrial complex, too big to fail n take 29trillion of OUR money banks, the geeks ('big tech and their anti men) and of course, dont forget the Drug Dealers (big pharma plandemic nazi fucks) . kill your cell phone
before it kills you
revolution time