Weslley Oliveira

BI,MMJ Advocate, born in the 90s, here to hopefully spread the word about some stuff ya know. -Weeed -Music -Love -Peace -Not very close to reaching Nirvana. Let them be the fuel to your fire. https://www.twitch.tv/yeeilikeflower Instagram: yeeilikeflower
Just a guy trying to find a constant in an ever changing world. I love anime, art, cosplay, music, nature, and women (although not necessarily in that order). Those of you who create art (in any form) bring beauty into this world.
a decentralized art collective ⚘
Welcome awakened 👽 they are here. We are here. You are here. A channel for your mind to meet the awakened inner spirit. A place of promotion for higher vibrational frequencies of love and light. A page dedicated to the all encompassing truth of the paradox in which we live. Come one come all and enjoy the spread of words from mouth to mouth through the mountains and the valleys and the webs of internet. Clothing for the counter culture.
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Mar 2020
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