
Hi, I use this account to save things for my own information and to keep them from getting scrubbed, and I am happy if some people find them useful.
Writer, citizen journalist & video clipper with 12 years of healthcare experience. Freedom isn't free. Tyranny is not possible without compliance. vigilantfox.substack.com
Chad alpha-male wojack sigma chungus. Level 14 Necrohampster. #comedy mostly. Usually not safe for woke because comedy goes there. communists will be mocked mercilessly.
Inappropriate for children and crazy leftists and the emotional equivalents. I have been in political and social hibernation for the past 20 years since I saw where social media was leading back when MySpace was a thing. My brother has always said not to poke the bear when it comes to me because I do growl and I will bite. Congratulations dipshit dems, you definitely are starting to poke the bear. You better just hope you don't get me to start biting.
https://www.rt.com/ RT is a global, round-the-clock news network of eight TV channels, broadcasting news, current affairs, and documentaries
An engineer who is trying to bring the positive to everyone with the STEM news podcast, That’s Cool News. Website: https://thatscoolnews.com/
News, opinions & testimonies of the Russian side, which are mostly censored now. This channel copies posts from Russian sources listed below. Everyone can make up their own mind after hearing both sides. Sources: 1) [EN] https://t.me/intelslava 2) [EN] https://t.me/grigoriev_maxim 3) [EN] https://t.me/ukr_leaks_eng 4) [EN] https://t.me/AussieCossack 5) [EN] https://t.me/DonbassDevushka 6) [EN] https://www.youtube.com/c/GrahamPhillipsUK 7) [EN] https://t.me/newsofehrru 8) [EN] https://t.me/UkraineHumanRightsAbuses 9) [EN] https://t.me/video_languages 10) [EN] https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbjTWVaRx6jMN5ZYgbqe2_w 11) [EN] https://t.me/azmilitary11 12) [RU] https://t.me/readovkanews 13) [RU] https://t.me/ua_tribunal 14) [RU] https://t.me/breakingmash 15) [RU] https://t.me/wargonzo 16) [RU] https://t.me/grey_zone 17) [RU] https://t.me/rybar 18) [RU] https://t.me/ssigny 19) [RU] https://t.me/sashakots 20) [RU] https://t.me/rlz_the_kraken 21) [RU] https://t.me/vn_antonov
Jamie Kilstein is a politically homeless standup comedian. He has been on JRE, Conan, and now write and directs comedy for Cast Castle. He is the host of A Fuckup's Guide to the Universe who has featured guests from John Cleese to Nicole Aniston. He will pet your dog.
Jan 2021
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