
clear thinking AMERICAN man (unvaccinated)(nonconforming)
2020 Presidential candidate. Former Congresswoman. Soldier. Surfer. Yoga. Plant-based. Inquiries: http://tulsigabbard.com (Views do not reflect position of DoD)
"Things fall apart, the center cannot hold. Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world. The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere the ceremony of innocence is drowned. The best lack all conviction, while the worst are full of passionate intensity." ~~~ Yeats ~~~~~~~ “You don't need a formal conspiracy when interests converge.” ~~~ George Carlin ~~~~~~~ We must believe in a better world. ~~~~~~~ In raising my children, I've lost my mind but found my soul. ~~~~~~~ Hope for the best, plan for the worst. ~~ my Granny ~~~~~~~ Three Simple Rules to practically guarantee that you will never be stuck "In the System". ~ ONE ~~ Graduate high school. TWO ~~ Have no children prior to marriage. THREE ~~ Marry no earlier than the age of 21. That's it. You CHOOSE the life you lead. Choose wisely. ~~~~~~~ Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. ~~~ Hanlon's Razor ~~~~~~~ “No man escapes When freedom fails, The best men rot in filthy jails; And they who cried: “Appease, Appease!” Are hanged by men they tried to please.” ~~~ Hiram Mann ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please comment, remind, up-vote & subscribe to The Strike! 💡💡💡 ~/~/~/~ Like what we do? Kindly Tip a Token! ~~~ Pleased to make y'alls acquaintance! 😊
Sam Tripoli and Bryan Callen explore the deepest waters of the conspiracies of our day. https://rokfin.com/conspiracysocialclub
Firstborn son of 1968, all the experiments of my hippie parents were done on me, rejected all that junk and sought to emulate my grandpa and his fathers, a master carpenter by trade, a constant builder and maker of things large and small, I seek to emulate my Creator and follow His Son Jesus Christ. I love my Country, but we were usurped a long time ago, I pray for the return of our old Republic.
Organic farmer, Reverend of The Brotherhood for Christ, Grandfather and Anon. Survivor of the Psychic Wars.
World-Monger! This Future Sucks! Time to fix it. (You might wanna' hold on to something.)
Hi, I am: Father and husband. Dutch guy adopted from Colombia. Captain and socialworker on sailingships. Interested in new ideas and alternative angles on life in general.  A mindspeaker. Looking for interesting people. Not a blocker or reporter of idiots.  
Increasingly horrified by the world's apparent headlong rush to embrace the dystopian future we were warned about. Also here for memes, some art and to make occasional posts about stuff that catches my interest.
Apr 2023
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