
Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa` is the dual-names (ha-shimáyim), the Vision-Source of true Light, our Father. These names are accurate transliterations of the names of the Most High, the true King of Yisrâ’ë´l.
Time to truly seek the Life! The evil scribes of the professed sâţâ´nist religious group members have coded [hidden] tremendous amounts of Truth from you, keeping it as their own private stash, including the Truth Itself, but all of it is now in the process of being decoded [revealed]! Yâhuwshúa` is Yâ-hwéh: accept no substitutes!™ https://www.yahwehyahuwshua.org
Iâjuwshúa es Iâjuéh, el Padre de Todo, El Poder, Sustentador de todos! Yâhuwshúa is Yâhwéh, the saving testimony! Yâhuwshúa: The Way, The Truth, The Life without which no one comes to the Father!
Yahweh Yahuwshua is coming back soon. We have a duty in spreading the Glad Tidings before Yahweh Yahuwshua returns. I want you to blessed with the truth just like I was years back. I implore everyone that looks at this profile to go on https://yahuwshua.org , as the truth on there is unmatched and our saviour Yahweh Yahuwshua wants you to know about Him and invoke Him by His names that were written for us from the beginning.
Believer in Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa', professing that Yâhuwshúa' is Yâ-hwéh : http://www.yahwehyahuwshua.org
The Ones who retain the Testimony, Yâ-hwéh Yâhuwshúa`, within with them, have overcome the lion (satan). https://theoriginalnamegnosis.wordpress.com
Dec 2020
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