
Located in the Northwoods, USA Housewife, Nature lover, Hunter, Forager, Bootblack, Outdoor Wanderer, Oddity crafter.
Deathmetal, bourbon, art and liberty. Eigenstate Zero.
After 8 months in a growth chamber I emerged and I did human like things and I continue too to this day. If you want to know more ask as this is not my book. Oh also I make floggers and ticklers and will soon start on spreader bars and who knows what else. Check out my website akinkycobbler.wixsite.com/kinkycobbler  Facebook.com/KinkyCobbler/
Lakota writer and independent critical thinker - From SD USA married Canadian and live British Columbia! - Everyone Welcome here - Mita Kolas( my friends) Respect one another! 🙋🏽‍♀️🦅
Student of psychology, just wanting to make the world a little more sane. Pro-life🤰 Pro gun🔫 Trump 2020🇺🇸 Conservative📜 Christian✝️
"Looking for a thunderbolt, are you? That's the tyrant's way of doing things, strike down all who oppose him, get in his way..." -Mephisto, Faust Poet/writer, philosopher, workhorse, gamer, otaku and not one for P.C. crap. Finis coronat opus in nomine honorem...
My Journey through the World of Kink.
I make videos. @adriennejohns ❤️
Award-winning professional photographer, writer, artist, audiobook narrator, podcasting producer and host, journalist for the fetish community, BDSM mentor, and adult personal branding, social media and marketing consultant for Sexy Networking.
Aug 2018
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