Joe Biden is a creepy groper who sniffs women's hair and rubs his hands all over children. Now he has been exposed for sexually assaulting Tara Reade while she was an employee of his. He penetrated her with his fingers! 5 witnesses have confirmed that Tara told them about the incident in the 90s.
Not only this, in 2015 Biden pinched the nipple of a 8 year-old girl. It was captured on video. In 2021, the girl admitted on social media that creepy Joe pinched her nipple, but sadly, she is afraid to come forward and lose friends.
Then we find out that the pervert would force female secret service agents to watch him swim in the nude at his home in Delaware.
Joe Biden's life is all about Joe Biden getting richer and richer. He is a criminal and a narcissist in every sense of the word. He should be locked up!
Welcome new members! Hopefully the 2020 election will be overturned and our true President, Donald J. Trump, will be reinstated back into the White House. Everyone needs to get involved in the 2022 election on the precinct levels so we can oust as many dirty, lying Democrats and deep state RINOs from Congress as we can. This is a battle we need to win!
This group now reports all the news about the Biden / Kamala puppet administration, Democrats election fraud and the entire Great Reset attempt to destroy the US.
This interest Group is for posting Natural Health remedies. Information only. I am not medical in any way. This is not medical advice. Never just follow anything you see. Always seek professional advice. DO NOT LINK to SALES #NaturalHealth,#Health,#HealthyFoods,#Healing,#NaturalHealing