
the dog in the profile pic with me is bad like 80% of the time
location_ondeeeeep wayyy behind enemy lines. pray for me minds πŸ’‘ frens
Truth and liberty by day, beer by night!
FaithUnchained is an online ministry dedicated to bringing you the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Clink the link below to subscribe to our channel. Subscribe to our YouTube: youtube.com/@FaithUnchained
A little bit of this and a little bit of that.
camus, dostoevsky, solszenitsyn, frost, housman, p.c. friars, n.y. yankees, indie rock, God.......let's put the federal reserve and the united nations in our rear view mirror!!
I'm here to remind, post and talk about anything that interest me, I love music and nature you're free to remind my activities welcome to my channel
I'm the best of my kind
Founder, Science Defined. Husband. Father. Scientist. Jesus is Lord and Christ. SUBSCRIBE TO MY SUBSTACK: stillinthestorm.substack.com
A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. https://chronos.substack.com/p/the-article-saying-zinc-is-effective
www.fiery-butmostlypeaceful.com I am an avid researcher on current events and issues our nation is facing, when the mainstream media tries to hide it from We The People. I'm also the Founder of MasterfulMamas; Home of Handcrafted, All-Natural Magic Mousseβ„’ Pain Cream; made with All-Organic/Wild Shea Butter, Arnica and Jojoba Oils, & Therapeutic-Grade Essential Oils! https://www.etsy.com/shop/MasterfulMamas
In no particular order. I like EDC gear, audio gear, and fitness gear.
Full stack web3 dev building smart-contracts and dApps on and around the Ethereum blockchain.
deeeeep wayyy behind enemy lines. pray for me minds πŸ’‘ frens
Jan 2021
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