
Genetically modified hybrid feline, escaped from U.S. military testing facility. Upper and lower titanium canine implants, nano-carbon nails. Rescued from an alley in a dark city, where my present master found me. Optional armor, fabricated by my master who was once a dive-welder near Christmas Island in the Line Islands and now a fine jeweler in Fairfield County Connecticut. I avenge my brethren in the animal world who have fallen prey to the abuses of the human animal. Have animosity, will travel.
g͡ag͡ag͡a An Odinist from Northern Europe.
❌A.T.❌ 🏢801🏢 Entrepreneur💲 Musician🎵 Bad-motherfucker💯
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"I am most anxious to enlist everyone who can speak or write to join in checking this mad, wicked folly of "Women's Rights", with all its attendant horrors, on which her poor feeble sex is bent, forgetting every sense of womanly feelings and propriety. Feminists ought to get a good whipping. Were woman to "unsex" themselves by claiming equality with men, they would become the most hateful, heathen and disgusting of beings and would surely perish without male protection. I love peace and quiet, I hate politics and turmoil. We women are not made for governing, and if we are good women, we must dislike these masculine occupations." -Queen Victoria
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