
mostly I just talk shite 👍🏻 post some pictures no malice or harm intended.. I’m not a conspiracy theorist I do however question confirmed liars
location_onScotland, United Kingdom
Im a lover of freedom, medicine, clinical research Chicago sports teams & mystical Catholicism & Christianity. I feel that a Saint is someone who perseveres & gets back up after committing sin through the sacraments but mainly through the body & blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Here to expose the ineptocracy
Peace and red stone
Meet Gerome -The new designated spokes person for this channel. Gerome is not the typical garden variety gnome nor is he a stay at home gnome. Gerome is into art, photography, music, travel and more. He freely speaks his mind. He may not always be politically correct, however it is never his goal to purposely offend anyone. He firmly believes Truth can survive all logical and reasonable debate. Gerome is a skeptic. He believes that Science is only a tool...a method of inquiry ...not a test of "truth". Science seeks to prove a THEORY through controlled and closely monitored repetition. However neither consistency nor apparent correlation of results is actual "proof" of causation. It is merely an indication of the probability of a specific result. Science is NEVER settled. That's why "Scientific conclusions" will always remain theories.... Useful ...sometimes...accurate predictions .. but not necessarily attributable to factors as outlined in the currently accepted theory. Certain things mankind will probably never know or understand. Such matters lie in the domain of God and the realm of faith.
I am a proud American, a former Soviet Jew, a patriot, and an IT professional. “Socialism is the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy.” “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of Socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.” — Winston Churchill
Im a wife, mother, grandmother and a believer. John 14:6 I love life and try to bring positivity to a fallen world. @chrismadzier RIP 2-24-67-12-22-21 You will be truly missed my buddy. Minds member since April 2018.
I'm old school, 100 % German by heritage, but my name was a gift. I'm spiritual with a firm belief in the Native Prophecy of the "Rainbow Warriors". I worked as a licensed massage & bodyworks therapist and have studied natural health for 20 yrs now. I am not a teacher but an awakener. I've walked a very different path and my opinions reflect that. I don't like republicans, democrats, nor most government agencies. I refuse to be silent at anything I find an injustice. My mission in life is to awaken and help others. And if I can make you pee a little, spit coffee thru your nose, or laugh, that's just a bonus...
I eat crayons, because I'm a Marine. My favorite flavor is Forest Green. Semper Fidelis, folks.
Find my works on: TwiXXer - @tommyharrisco TruthSocial - @tommyharriscompany Rumble - @tommyharriscompany. www.youtube.com/tommyharriscompany www.reverbnation.com/tommyharriscompany I found Minds thru some of my groups from FedBook and really like things. I do like the freedom here and think all my music/media I release as a musician/producer might have a better/more honest audience here vs. other sites.🎯 ((((((( I hold everyone accountable for their own actions and you should too, we have to educate all those who have been lied to their whole lives to believe that what they do, as people....does not effect those around you....because it does.))))))) Thank you
"A great inner revolution in just a single individual will help achieve a change in the destiny of a nation and, further, will cause a change in the destiny of humankind." Daisaku Ikeda Can one person's spiritual journey help make the world a better place?
Scotland, United Kingdom
Jun 2015
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