
Navy Vet seeking 2 decrease while Christ increases, (John 3:30; 1 Cor. 2:2). Here 2 receive reward 4 His suffering. (Proverbs 30:7-9) Yes, I have a blog #KAG #Q
location_onOn earth, for now
I am no longer interested in awakening the masses. The masses made it clear that they are not interested. I am here to connect like minds and awaken those who WANT to learn.
Posting today's news and related spicy memes. Always open to discussion with liberals. Just come prepared. I am not a Russian bot My groups: Cord Cutters MAGA MEMES Breaking 911 Not Tired of Winning Drain the Swamp
OS: Windows XP, DOS Languages: FORTRAN, C, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript Political Affiliation: Democratic Socialist Likes: Gender Equality, Universal Healthcare, Living Wage, LFBTQ, Fighting for Peace, Cannabis, Hippies, Antifa, Veganism, Socialism, Women's Rights Dislikes: The Orange Man, Rape, 2nd Amendment, America, Freedom, Populism, Corporations, Animal Testing, Organized Religion, War, The Patriarchy, Racists, Memes Video Games: Skyrim, The Legend of Zelda, Fallout, WoW, Diablo, Everquest, Baldur's Gate, Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy 2, Final Fantasy 7, Final Fantasy Tactics Favorite Hashtags: #ImWithHer, #MeToo, #BlackLivesMatter, #NotMyPresident, #RussianCollusion, #FakeNews, #Obama, #BlueWave, #GOPTaxScam, #ProtectDreamers, #ICantBreathe
CEO of Éire Live ⚬ Gain 25 Subscribers ✔ ⚬ Gain 50 Subscribers ✔ ⚬ Gain 100 Subscribers ✔ ⚬ Gain 150 Subscribers ✔ ⚬ Gain 250 Subscribers ✔ ⚬ Gain 500 Subscribers ✔ ⚬ Gain 1,000 Subscribers ✔ ⚬ Gain 2,500 Subscribers ✔ ⚬ Gain 5,000 Subscribers X 💡💡💡💡💡💡💡💡💡💡 ⚬ Hit 100 Views ✔ ⚬ Hit 250 Views ✔ ⚬ Hit 500 Views ✔ ⚬ Hit 1,000 Views ✔ ⚬ Hit 2,500 Views ✔ ⚬ Hit 5,000 Views ✔ ⚬ Hit 10,000 Views ✔ ⚬ Hit 100,000 Views ✔ ⚬ Hit 250,000 Views ✔ ⚬ Hit 500,000 Views ✔ ⚬ Hit 750,000 Views ✔ ⚬ Hit 1,000,000 Views ✔ ⚬ Hit 2,000,000 Views X
National Populist, Longist, and anti woke for the most part. Not a fan of the neoliberals or progs.
I am a #crusader, a US #patriot, and an X-Area 51 EE, educating the Kafir (non-moslem) about what a moslem is so that we can remove them from our societies. Pro US "Bill of Rights", Pro-freedom, Anti-democrat, Anti-socialist, Anti-RINO, Anti-commie, Semianti-tax, Anti-moslem. On 6 Jan, 2021, the US Republic was taken down in a coup by the democrat/RINO insurrectionists. If the US Republic is to be restored, all Patriots must come together and take it back quickly. Importing moslems into the United States is analogous to building a big beautiful house out of wood and then releasing a million termites 🐜 into the middle of the living room. Islam is a ruthless program designed to replace everything that is not islamic. NOTE: All of my posts are listed and censored under "Race and Religion" or "other" on "Minds" because "Minds" does not have a proper NSFW category for islam, but no religion instructs its members to be killed if they leave their religion. So, islam is better identified as a cult. It is the #cultofterror. Learn about Moslems and the deceptions about Christianity here. No matter what subgroup of moslems or what country is mentioned, these rules apply to all moslems, or the Nation of Islam. 🔽 Let`s do whatever it takes to make Muslims disappear from our countries so that our grandchildren have a future worth living for. When I am booted from you can find me on or If anyone wants to help me financially, here is my BTC address, but Minds Tokens are appreciated as well. BTC▶️ 35WQLKqiJbnBDjSNuZSEUn1Ut8G7vtFoE2 If you want to use a mobile version of "Minds" for your phone, do not use the heavily censored version that can be downloaded from "Google Play". Use the "Minds" app from their own link. Here it is: Ѭ
news, politics and funny memes Shower thoughts and shit posts
I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God. #WWG1WGA here are some pages that I read and support: @TheConsciousResistanceNetwork @blackpigeonspeaks @pauljosephwatson @Sargon_of_Akkad @censorshipsucks @cynthiamckinney @sharonmonaco @ProjectVeritas @Dragons_Lair @imkingginger @Americanpie @LordStompy @starhammer @redpillshark @DaelConan @TitoAltimari @artcarnage @Saquedon @delastman @naturegirl @mindkind @Luculent @infowars @Timcast @zoraya @ruuo @Acina @Amrael @Sinvaris @Bearing # @MarkDice # ## @NoBullshit ## @Sargon_of_Akkad # # @StyxHexenHammer # ## @PaulJosephWatson ## ## @blackpigeonspeaks ## #### @HighImpactFlix #### #@rainbowlightningwoman1# ## @SeekingTheTruth101 ## ####@CountDankulaTV #### ## @AmericanRevolution ## #### @JustinAntitheist #### ##### @pressfortruth ##### ### @MLChristiansen ### ## @StefanMolyneux ## ### @NeoUnrealist ### # @danielduerst77 # ##@garyfranchi ## # @RedPillShark # # @LisaHaven # @theantimedia @BrownBear @DaveCullen @StacyKing @NextNews @TimCast @TealDeer @Infowars My Groups - PLEASE JOIN US! "HealthFreedom" and "Resist Antifa"
My name is Aaron Genus. I am an 23 year old nationalist, traditionalist, activist. I am an upcoming politician, public speaker, and current media analyst. On this account I will be sharing a variety of content ranging from news reports, migrant crisis updates, memes, animal posts, history, quotes, gifs, and art. Please follow me for more content and check out the links below  DONATE - Monthly sponsor - The Lions Den - Facebook -Aaron Genus Instagram: GopAaron14 Wall Of Patrons @MOL3CH @scottychams @scottcbusiness @Echo19 @entryreqrd @funditionofficial @thechocolatemuff1 @ConanCastle @mindsfordummies @thoughtcriminal303 @manport @Marketoff @SteveJacksonVIC @RevengeOfThePatriot @hasher411 @John @FloriaMagnifico @TheBilldo @Censorshipsucks @TheDebonairFox @WrapHops @Warum58 @Presidenchill @Schnepf13 @JJwrites @jeannemara @Metroid @realericosborne @Cre8tivesue @Secftblgirl @Chemtrailsmn @Ladyhug Honorable mentions: @Mindsgaming @FretzCapo @RiverRose @VonYugen #Comedy #Memes #Fantasy #Quotes #Minds
On earth, for now
Oct 2018
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