
Englishman, mid 50's, lived in southern Africa for years, these days in beautiful Australia. Former professional infantry soldier. published writer, have worked at sea. Agnostic (cultural Christian) right of centre politically, generally reactionary and nationalist; these days dissident right. I love the natural world. Support wildlife conservation and animal welfare, like all dogs and a fair number of humans. I support ending all mass immigration into Great Britain, Australia and other Western nations Dislikes: The regressive left, the unreformed Dark Ages ideology that is Islam (it is not a race and it is not just a religion) feminists and all things politically correct (and strongly associated attempts to destroy Western men and masculinity) adult babies who get 'triggered' by life, the idiotic and wasteful 'war on drugs', 99% of political types across all parties (generally speaking they lie for a living). censorship. Likes: Free speech, the old Commonwealth (ie, Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand and the Western democracy supporters of South Africa) the Anglosphere (ie, the English speaking world, including the USA) Brexit and British independence from the anti-democratic EU, Western democracy, Western civilisation, the Royal Navy (my son is serving in the Senior Service) strong defence forces that act as a deterrent to aggression and can win if you have to fight. Science, history, books, travel (been to almost 50 nations, lived on three continents) wild places, the ocean, reasonably cute women in short skirts and heels, Tradition (in the shape of things like Trooping the Colour, ANZAC Day parades and Naval Sunset ceremonies, it reminds us who we are, and what our, generally, proud history is) cricket, rugby union, sailing, humour. Places I most love in the World, aside from Great Britain, Australia and South Africa (especially what is now KwaZulu-Natal) are the British Virgin Islands in the Caribbean and the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean. Check out my Youtube channel '99IronDuke'.
Including #Scotland, #England, #Ireland and #Wales, Great Britain is the largest of the British Isle, the largest European island, and the ninth-largest island in the world @Facebookfluxx SPAMMERS WILL BE BANNED
North America's largest sovereign region, #Canada's 10 #provinces and 3 #territories extend from the #Atlantic to the #Pacific and northward into the #Arctic #Ocean; making it the world's 2nd largest country by total area and 4th largest by land area Admin: @johnnycanuck
Everything Minds and everything tech. Help and support; power-using tips and tricks to make your life on Minds an awesome experience! Check us out on Matrix: #mug #mindsusergroup #mcosi #minds #user #support #tech #tips #tricks #hacks
The NRM is a right wing populist group comprised of the Alt-Lite, Shitlords, Constitutionalists, Eurosceptics, Capitalists, Secularists, Conservatives, Trump supporters, civic nationalists, and classical liberals. Most of us are not alt-right. Just to remind everyone. And all wokes aren't welcome here. Looking for a new owner for the group. Email me at
Reclaim our culture. Reclaim our heritage. Reclaim our birthright. Reclaim the Holy Land? Deus Vult!
Photography, art and everything related to wildlife. #wildlife #nature #animals #news #photography #art #myphoto
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Europe is a continent located entirely in the #Northern Hemisphere and mostly in the Eastern Hemisphere. It is bordered by the #Arctic Ocean to the north, the #Atlantic Ocean to the west and the #Mediterranean Sea to the south. It comprises the westernmost part of #Eurasia. #Regional #directory #NEWS #history #culture #network #discussion #Europe #Geography #Tourism #Travel #Links #Mindsgaming #EARTH @FacebookFluxx #FacebookFluxx
Australia, officially the #Commonwealth of Australia, is a sovereign country comprising the mainland of the Australian continent, the island of #Tasmania and numerous smaller islands. It is the largest country in #Oceania and the world's sixth-largest country by total area. NO OFF-TOPIC posts or SPAM Commercial content requires 1 MINDS Token #Australia #OZ #National #Regional #directory #NEWS #history #culture #network #travel #world #tourism #discussion #information #geography @Facebookfluxx
state planned genocide of minorities in south africa. land theft and the starvation to come . genocide and minorities forced to leave the country to work or live a normal life . south africa is heading to economical chaos and sanctions soon .
Sep 2016
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