Jack Sutter

American / Journalist / Republican / Free Thinker / Trump Aligned / Agnostic / Capitalist / Observer / Individualist / Shit Talker 🐸✌️ Modern Republican: https://mdrnrepublican.com Used to play with words, write deranged stories; nowadays I commentate on politics.
🍄🍨Mixed bag of treats🍨🍄 Photo taker and photography admirer. Beauty seer. Spiritual goddess. Nature wonderer. Free spirit treasure finder. Truth speaker. Lover of the Moon. The poet & artist. Punk. Creator of life. Peace maker. Tree hugger. Bohemian badass. Lover of the dark & gothic. Gemini. Freak. ☆ZEF2DEF☆ ☆FLAMEONMOTHERFUCKERS☆ ☆PUFFPUFFPASS☆ ☆ASMF☆
I am to make friends on minds and help people. Please don't give me a down vote unless it is a good reason. If it's not just don't do anything at all please. I could always just block you if you don't have a good enough reason for down voting my content. Please everyone have a great day. We are on minds after all. We are a team!
Citizen Journalist
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Nov 2017
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