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Nick Maxwell Verified artist on many social media networks. Especially art related. Abstract Painter and 8bitPixelArt.
Official Creations --- THIS GROUP IS FOR ORIGINAL CONTENT CREATORS ONLY --- No Newsfeed links - Please post directly to the group for a high quality image feed. 🙂 Please use the tags below for your unique creations as this indexes your files on a database and increases visibility. #OfficialCreations #ContentCreators #Minds #Art --------------------------------------------------------------------------- This group is dedicated in loving memory of @Chrismadzier - R.I.P. - 24/2/67 - 22/12/21 🙏 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Group moderator - @RedDragonLS ----------------------------- Static images only including photography. Please post Gifs into the Official Gifs group. @ Useful links for editing your art or photography shall be added in the conversations section soon. Easy to use tools like Lunapic and the Deep Dream editor can make amazing results out of any image. Lunapic is also useful if you wish to watermark your work friends 💯✌️😎 - Lunapic is an excellent editing tool @ HAVE FUN!!! JOIN MINDS OFFICIAL CREATIONS TODAY!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Many thanks and best wishes from Official Creations 😊
Minds Official Gifs Group - All Welcome - 😀 GIF = GRAPHICS INTERCHANGE FORMAT. A group for sharing unique gifs; invite like minded users. Easily create gifs via links or just view creations and posts 💡💡💡💡💡 Video to Gif converter @ Lunapic editor @ Resize animated gifs @ Zoetropic app @ VIMAGE app @ (APK downloads can be found if you do not wish to use google play store) PLEASE ensure your posts contain a TITLE and these TAGS below as this indexes your files on a database and increases visibility. #OfficialGifs #Minds #Gifs #Art (PLEASE post directly to the group otherwise exterior news feed page links will be deleted) Whenever possible please credit original artists if you share material that you have not created yourself. Easy access to editor apps and tools in the beginning of the conversations section. Please add any editor tools/apps you use. (This will give new members a starting point if they have no knowledge of gifs and wish to make their own). OFFICIAL GIFS ANIMATION DESIGNERS = @Darkinmyeyes @Rushofwaves @onesasha GROUP MODERATOR = @RedDragonLS HAVE FUN!!! JOIN MINDS OFFICIAL GIFS TODAY!!! ------------------------------------------------------------ Many thanks and best wishes from Official Gifs 🙂
🔞 A place to share Art's pics but don't forget to mention the author/credit when you know it. If it's not a painting, choose a more appropriate group! Artistic photos : Moderator : @LaRevolutionEstEnMarche I delete publications not related to the topics of this group. Please avoid low quality images, blurry, or pixelized pics Thanks
We Are Anonymous, We Are Legion, Exspect Us ! We Share Anonymous News, From ALL Around The World !
The Joe Rogan Experience is a free audio and video talk podcast hosted by American comedian, actor, sports commentator, and television host Joe Rogan. #JRE #Rogan #Podcasts #Interviews #Archives #Comedy #Talk #Shows
the poetry core of Lightly moderated. Post your poems, others', flash fictions, resources and essays about poetry. Keep it to one post a day. #themindspoetrygroup the minds dream group: the minds Formula 1 group:
Moderator: @ravalsta Creator: @caotringuyen Thanks for visiting myphoto (Sep 30, 2018) This place stores our great spiritual property on Minds. Rules: 1. Your own photography. 2. Unlimited number of posts per day. 3. No nude photo. Tags: #myphoto #myphotoGroup Thanks for posting. I wish we have a sweet day.
„Übrigens fand Arminius, der seit dem Abzuge der Römer und der Vertreibung Marbods nach der Königsherrschaft strebte, an der Freiheitsliebe seiner Volksgenossen feindlichen Widerstand. Sie erhoben sich in Waffen gegen ihn, und nach schwankenden Erfolgen im Kampfe fiel er durch die Arglist seiner Verwandten: Er, unzweifelhaft der Befreier Germaniens, der Mann, der nicht die ersten Anfänge des römischen Volks - wie andere Könige und Heerführer -, sondern das römische Reich in seiner höchsten Blüte angegriffen hat, in den Feldschlachten mit unentschiedenem Erfolge, im Kriege unüberwunden. Volle siebenunddreißig Jahre währte sein Leben, zwölf seine Machtstellung, und noch jetzt wird er bei den barbarischen Völkerschaften in Liedern gefeiert, während er den Geschichtsjahrbüchern der Griechen unbekannt ist, die nur das Ihre bewundern, und bei uns Römern nicht nach seiner Bedeutung gekannt, da wir nur das Alte preisend erheben, gleichgültig gegen das, was der Neuzeit angehört.“ (Tacitus, Jahrbücher) „In drei Jahren erhielt die Armee eine zahlreiche Feldartillerie für 120,000 Mann. Endlich mußten die acht Festungen von neuem instand gesetzt, versorgt und armiert werden. Diese Festungen waren als die Grundpfeiler der preußischen Monarchie zu betrachten, da die kleine Oberfläche derselben leicht so mit Feinden überschwemmt werden konnte, daß die Festungen allein wie Felsen im Meer von der Flut nicht mit fortgerissen wurden. Es kam also darauf an, mit diesen Festungen soviel als möglich von den Kriegskräften Preußens vor der Überschwemmung zu retten. Deshalb wurden bei Pillau und Kolberg, weil sie am Meer liegen, verschanzte Lager angelegt und in Schlesien, außer den weitläufigen Linien von Neiße, auch noch bei Glatz ein verschanztes Lager zur Aufnahme von Truppen und Streitmitteln bestimmt. In diesen vier Zufluchtsörtern Kolberg, Pillau, Neiße und Glatz sollten die noch unausgebildeten Streitmittel, sowohl an Menschen als Waffen und anderen Materialien, versammelt werden, um sie d
Tools and strategies for health and cognitive performance enhancement. Nootropics and Smart Drugs Biohacking tech Herbal medicine Diet optimization Fasting Exercise Mindfulness and meditation Anti-Aging, Transhumanism, and Philosophy Let us know what biohacks you're using... [This group and the postings are MODERATED so let's keep the conversation respectful and posts unrelated to the above will be removed promptly] If you're new to biohacking visit or you can follow Advertisers: Only ONE promotional post a week. If you're going to share links to try to drive traffic elsewhere you MUST participate in the conversation here and comment on other people's stuff - not doing so will result in a ban.
Greco-Buddhism, or Graeco-Buddhism, is the cultural syncretism between Hellenistic culture and Buddhism, which developed between the 4th century BC and the 5th century AD in #Bactria and the Indian subcontinent, corresponding to the territories of modern-day #Afghanistan, Tajikistan, #India, and #Pakistan. #Greco #Buddhism #Dharma #Syncretism #Occult #Hidden #Esoteric #History #Apocaloptimism
Thanks for Viewing! If you're a fractal creator, please join us and post your fractals here. Join us if you just love to see this art! Post fractal art created using any software that you choose. Make sure to say which Fractal editor you used for your post. Thanks! Group Mods: @Fractalizer, @darkinmyeyes, @RedDragonLS ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ POSTING ANYTHING OTHER THAN FRACTAL ART WILL BE DELETED! . ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ Please Credit the Original Fractal Artist if you are posting other's art. Please use # tags as this indexes your files on a database and increases visibility. Tags to use here: #Fractal #FractalArt #Original plus the app or software ie.: #JWildfire #Mandelbulb3D #Apophysis #Mandelbulber #FractalExplorer #Frax #Frex #MandelBrowser or any other. If posting Fractal Art by others, please use #FractalDesigners tag. HAVE FUN !!! Please Check Out Our Friends Groups DeepDream Art Group The Official GIFs Group Mods: @RedDragonLS The Official Creations Group The Minds Images Group Mods: @FretzCapo The Colouring The World Group Mods: @Fractalizer
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Jun 2015
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