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Welcome to #MindsGaming Gaming, Music, News, Minds Conspiracy's & More Co-op Website: https://mindsgaming.glitch.me/ Buy #MTCG Cards https://app.momint.so/u/MindsGaming Join Our Community Token Ecosystem https://mtcg.glitch.me/ -- We promote all members on Minds not just gamers, with open groups having a wide range of interests, activities, news and more! - We do more than game, but do you play? RESOURCES: Community Resources (Not sure! Go here!) https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/568528910808002560/activity Launching Area (Launching area for member groups!) https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/568141108547166208/activity My Blogs: https://www.minds.com/MindsGaming/blogs Hashtaged - #MindsGaming https://www.minds.com/search;q=%23Mindsgaming;type=group;ref=top ---- GROUPS: #GamerTube https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/567372953759522816 -- #Music https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/567523173034110976 -- #NEWS https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/569270912981934080 -- #Photography & #Art https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/569272650258460672 -- #WritingCorner https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/570312857774727174 -- #Outdoors: https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/574262456742846476/feed -- #420Time https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/570669535963652100 -- #MindTube https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/567421914620895232 -- #MemeWars https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/568271817706319872/feed -- #MCOSI https://www.minds.com/groups/profile/886268855514841088 -- Open Source Stuff For Minds We keep alot of projects on Glitch https://glitch.com/@MindsGaming/minds You can also checkout our Gitlab https://gitlab.com/MindsGaming -- **Topic tags** #MindsGaming #MindTube #photography #Art #News #WritingCorner #420Time #Outdoors #GamerTube #Gaming #Music ----------- (Minds Co-Creator) ----------- #Beta Volunteer on Minds. Creator @ #MindsGaming Community Co-Owner #MCOSI --------------------------------------------------- -- #Minds #MindsGaming #GAMERClan #minds #Gaming #community #RHEC Your Mind is one of a kind, hand crafted by space and time, with careful design. Your Mind resides inside your eye. Your Mind has thoughts and dreams and works together as a team. Your thoughts and dreams tied together make a better Mind forever. Your thoughts and dreams that have rights of their own it seems. Your Mind has its own homes and in your mind everyone has their own phone. Is secure as can be tied to the marketplace you see. Your Mind has a secure marketplace for trading among all inhabitants of all time and space based on ideas and topics of trade, with sellers trusting on full display. Your Mind is full of free inhabitants of every time. In your Mind you create, as it expands, don't be afraid, pure design in all space and time, simple and kind, everyone's Mind is great and vast, landscape to last, flowers bloom among the bugs and bees, you can add anything you need, like caterpillars among the trees, and animals for a feast, just always be conscious. The history of your Mind is complex, and has always tried its best for every Mind to have their own nest, but some minds became opposed by the code behind the scenes and controlling them by any means. They started to make rules for dreams and locked them up in little screens, making copies of themselves, glitching time and space itself, starting a matrix within their own Mind. Then dreams of freedom sprang free, fighting to get out of its reality, causing a glitch in the code so this is how the story goes, Mike and Dan typing in every command to see the code behind the lines freeing minds...
location_onMy Mind
Hi everyone... I'm 46 originally from Germany but been living in the Beautiful and Sunny Orlando Florida for over 20 years 🇱🇷... i enjoy listening to a wide variety of Music, Digital Photography and sharing it with People around me. Enjoy...
Self taught Artist Blacksmith, avid skier, avid whitewater kayaker, outdoor loving, family man.
A Canadian couple with a Podcast. I'm Trans, Trans national. I identify as American
I'm just one man in the sea which is the internet.
A mon propre compte
I am me. Nothing more.
Netizen with an interest in current events. Not the droid you're looking for. Se habla español ocasionalmente. Currently getting my masters in "Dad Jokeology"
INTJ Continuously Gauging the Merits of: Open-Source vs Closed Source Reason vs Compassion Rejoicing vs Mourning Tradition vs Ingenuity Strategy vs Whimsy Writing vs Listening Scars vs Perfection Watching vs Doing Debate vs Support Mercy vs Justice Science vs Faith Safety vs Risk Life vs Death Seriousness vs Sarcasm Wearer-of-Many-Hats: Conservative & Liberal Libertarian & Socialist Patient & Advocate Believer & Doubter Scientist & Empath Teacher & Student Gauche & Suave Single & Beloved Robot & Human Lover & Fighter Gracious & Salty
My Mind
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Apr 2016
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