
Pain in the ass that's still trying to work out whether or not to use my invisibility to fight crime or evil.
“Those who are able to see beyond the shadows and lies of their culture will never be understood, let alone believed, by the masses.”
just a fan becoming a producer in Art ,Music ,Gaming,Video Editing I like to call Dark Sync 33 I am apart of many communities and love technology philosophy and a good sense of humor RLP don’t ask Who I am NOEMOTIONANDTHEGODZ Fast Track Soul Those that have taken a fast track awakening have literally transformed 180 degrees in the last five years. These are the people who were literally “asleep” and all of the sudden had a huge awakening that something was very wrong in their lives and there was an urgency to find out what it was. This led to dedicating most of their time into research while following thread after thread in order to find out the truth of who they are and why they are here. Round & round 1 go will We Stop who knows Circles all 1 know CALM 1 SHALL SHOW A OCEAN In a drop I‘am FLOW Creating & Vibrating WoE3 #PEACETOTHEGODZ
Sick of watching the world fall apart for corporate greed. We need to stand up against all forms of tyranny. Even the smallest form of resistance makes a difference.
The only thing I know is nothing.
Songs to escape the Matrix Stream The Storm Album for Free “Save The Day is a call to Unite… to rise above the illusion of separation and come together for the sake of Humanity and the world for a common goal… Peace” #unitetheworld #SaveTheDay #marshallpotts #peace #WWG1WGA The Storm Album download here:
The truth hurts, but the corruption will destroy us.
History is made by those who break the rule
Beter to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie
Oct 2015
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