
Sick of watching the world fall apart for corporate greed. We need to stand up against all forms of tyranny. Even the smallest form of resistance makes a difference.
The only thing I know is nothing.
Beter to be slapped with the truth than kissed with a lie
Mahesvara, the Ultimate Supreme Principle, is Prabuddha, the Supreme Intelligence, Wisdom, All-awareness, the Awakened, All-enlightenment, expanded Consciousness, and the Supreme Pervader. Purusa, one step below Mahesvara is All-awareness and the Awakened. Jiva is Buddhiman with less awareness and awakening, compared to Purusa. In his male form, he is whole without attributes (Niskala); in his female form he is parts with attributes (Sakala): (Brahma with Rajas and) creative power, (Vishnu with Sattva and) sustaining power, and (Rudra with Tamas and) destructive power. Niskala form is Brahman and transcendent and Sakala form is manifest Brahman and phenomenal.
The truth hurts, but the corruption will destroy us.
A cutting edge news site to read, share, and discuss breaking alternative news, views.
Co-creator, artist, entrepreneur, comedy addict This isn't my main account. Please message me @ottman
Oct 2015
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