Would like to make videos about the philosophies of things.
I'm also a musician! I will probably do the occasional cover video and maybe some originals.
Ive surrendered to God
Conservative; keep your hands off my money and your nose outta my bedroom.
Socially liberal: Do as you will as long as it's legal and we don't have to pass a law to force me to accept it.
Nikola Tesla.
Free speech advocate
It's ok to be white..actually it's pretty great being white..
Artist, musician, all around good egg
B.S. in B.S.
The musings of A Philosophical Mind
If you like you are more the welcome to support me on Patreon:
or join me on discord:
ALL the content I create is licensed as Public Domain - No Rights Reserved, so feel free to copy/paste, use, misrepresent, mangle, etc. any and all of my content in any way you like.
Recognition/a shout out to my channel, if you use my content would be nice, and very much appreciated... but not required.
Subscriber related content:
1,000 subscribers:
An ask me anything post, where you can ask me any non-doxing (name, address, etc.) questions.
Followed by an ask me anything video where I will answer the 10 most up-voted questions from the post.
Contract SW developer and consultant.
Developer of the "8th" programming language: https://8th-dev.com/
Love to cook, but my wife is better at it.
Frequently cantankerous.